(2+0+1+7 = 10, 1+0 =1),
A Universal Number 1 Year of New Beginnings
1 Archetype = New, First, Birth, Strength, Leadership, Creative Thought, Courage, Will, Determination…
Offering a fresh, brand new start, 2017 as a 1 universal year will determine the quality of our new beginnings both in the United States and the world that will influence the next nine years. The number 1 not only offers momentum energy to begin a new nine year cycle, but the strongest intention set in that beginning year will also be carried through every year of the entire cycle until its completion. Our thoughts, feelings and actions are more creative than usual at the beginning of a new cycle because of the powerful push to start and move forward given by the birthing energy of the number 1. The call to renew and improve ourselves and the human condition, the will to act on original ideas with determination and courage are qualities uniquely present and available as 1 energy, but we must decide to participate with resolve and commitment for the momentum energy of 1 to build the path.
We are currently in such tumultuous times that it became necessary to look into more of the cycles turning our world, particularly in the U.S., to discover and understand as much as we can about the strange waters in which we now find ourselves. The picture of what’s potentially ahead gets much clearer when we look a bit further back into our history along with considering the new history we have been writing since the beginning of the new millennium.
1s, 8s, 9s and 2s – what can I tell you?
This paper, more than a reading for the year, is a research study of current cycles and the numbers they carry. The numbers 1, 8, 9 and 2 came up repeatedly and are not only major players in these times, but describe a shift from the material to the spiritual and aspiring to higher consciousness. A little surprise discovery about election day in the U.S., after all research was done, even showed this pattern in the numbers of the day, itself. November 8, 2016 is 11 – 8 – 2016, which breaks down to 2 (1+1) – 8 – 9 (2+0+1+6). Then for the universal day number add 2+8+9 to get 19, then 1+9 = 10, 1+0 = 1. 2+8+9 = 1. Election day was a 1 universal day of new beginnings that reflected the 1, 8, 9 and 2 influences of our current journey in the world and more specifically in the U.S., which also describe the potential choices for the direction we have the opportunity to intend to go in 2017.
2016 as an election year in the U.S. and a 9 universal year (2+0+1+6 = 9) not only brought the completion of the second term of the current president, it completed a nine year cycle that began with the first election in 2008 (please see last year’s one page reading for 2016 attached). The cycle changes America is personally undergoing currently within the universal world cycles means we, as Americans, have important decisions to make in the coming year not only about our future in this country, but how we move forward as universal, world citizens.
The table below provides the cycles operating in 2017 and the calculated numbers currently governing them, and because we are taking on so many for this reading, I’ve included a brief description of each involved.
United States World
Personal Cycles Universal Cycles
Year: 2017 = 3 (7+4+2017=21, 2+1=3) Year: 2017 = 1 (2+0+1+7=10, 1+0 =1)
Opportunity/Challenge: 11-2/3 Millennial: 2 (2+0+0+0 =2)
Personal Directive (PD): 9 (27th) Major Directive (MD): 9 (225th)
Outlines of the cycles to be discussed:
Personal and Universal Years represent the personal year number, which includes the month and day of origination/birth added to the current year (in the case of the U.S., July 4 + 2017), and the universal year number, which reflects the sum total of just the current calendar year (2017).
Millennial current thousand year cycle for the world (including the U.S.)
Opportunity/Challenge (O/C) are nine year cycles only given on the personal level for the U.S. as the month and day cannot be verified for the beginning year CE 1 of our universal calendar.
Major and Personal Directive (MD, PD) cycles are the nine year universal (world) major directive cycle (MD) and the nine year personal directive cycle (PD) for the U.S. These count how many nine year cycles we have had since the inception of the Julian/Gregorian calendar in use today (universal) and how many since the birth of the US in 1776 (personal).
What follows is an interpretation of the numbers as archetypal qualities of energy in their cycles influencing the U.S. and the world.
2016, again as a 9 universal year of completions, also completed the 224th Major Directive (MD) cycle influencing the world since the beginning of our universal calendar, which began in the year CE 1. 224 reduces by addition (2+2+4) to 8, which is the number of the material world of power, position and authority, judgment and the law, commerce, politics and money. It is a mental number ruling executive function and decision making, the bridging of ideas and actions, and represents the fields of psychology and philosophy.
As an MD cycle, this archetypal 8 energy has been an undercurrent force in the world of commerce and business, globally influencing corporations and individuals alike. This particular nine year MD cycle of 8 energy began in 2008 (2+0+0+8 = 1). While a year of beginnings throughout the world, 2008 was a significant year of firsts for the U.S. and the world with the election of Barack Obama, as well as the financial crisis prompting the bailout of the banks. This cycle ended in 2016 (2+0+1+6 = 9), on December 31st.
One of the strongest memes or intentions for that universal cycle was that of ‘hope and change’ set forth in 2008, which was initially embraced by many in the world with the hope of a change in the old economic order perpetuated in the 1980s, brought on by the increasing inequality of justice and wealth distribution reaching untenable proportions. However, because the 8 influence of power, money, corporate expansion, authority and the law were the areas of focus for the intended changes set up at the beginning of the cycle, those already in positions of material power were universally supported in that 8 environment to further manipulate and change the political and socioeconomic systems for their own gain throughout the years of the cycle.
Judging from the results, the changes hoped for by the many were not the changes intended by the few with governing powers in the U.S. or elsewhere in the world. Another influencing factor was the personal directive (PD) cycle for the US in play from 2001-2010 that also carried 8 energy, adding strength and ambition for power and authority to the war efforts of 2003 and beyond. The 8 PD cycle for the US overlapped with the universal 8 MD that began in 2008 by two years, increasing that energy, which could help to explain the housing bubble collapse, the financial crisis and the bank bailouts during that time. 2010 ended the 8 PD cycle for the US but the universal MD cycle of 8 marched on and was still in play until the end of 2016. One could say that one way or another, both the world and the U.S. have been steadily influenced by 8 energy from 2001 to the present day in 2016. As a result, we have seen the country divided and polarized due to the manipulative material and political judgment and action, so characteristic of the dark side of 8, as well, perhaps, to the advance of 2 energy since 2000 (more on that later). Evidence of the negativity of 8 can be clearly recognized without having to delineate its myriad manifestations of power seeking greed, abuses of authority, perpetuation of war and corruption in money institutions, corporations, laws and governments that became concentrated and focused over the past fifteen years all over the world. Suffice it to say, capitalism run amok.
However, after the completion of the 2001 – 2010 8 PD cycle, a little twist in the prevailing winds that gave the world a modicum of new hope occurred in 2011 with the new PD cycle for the U.S. of 9 energy. Among its other qualities, the number 9 is the number of endings and completion. So what ended in that beginning year of 9 energy in 2011? Two instances of note were the death of Osama bin Laden in May, officially ending that search, followed in December by the end of The Iraq war, which started in 2003 as an extension of intentions set in 2001 by the U.S. These endings seemed to indicate good changes ahead, and though the year began the cycle of 9 energy to expose and potentially end more and more of the corruption, it was overshadowed by the ongoing terrorist activities and war related atrocities in the universal, world 8 MD cycle of influence that started in 2008 and seemed would never end. More 9 was on the way, however, as we shall see a bit later, but first, while 2011 began a nine year cycle of 9 related endings, it is important to note the number 9 is also the number of completion as in unity or wholeness.
Number 9, Number 9…
9 is the sum total of all the single digit numbers (1 – 9) added together (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9=45, 4+5=9). It represents the all in all, the alpha and the omega and the full circle; meaning, as a whole, it carries the potential of each number archetype within it. 9 is about completion as the last number of attainment, the last earthly lesson for mankind representing universal, unconditional, self-less love, forgiveness, compassion, empathy and brother/sisterhood in the 3 – 6 – 9 triune cycle of human development. As the number of unity, 9 holds the potential for both war and peace, therefore offering unlimited opportunities for loss or gain. It includes both righteous action for peace as well as peaceful acceptance that can lead to complacent apathy. However, the action in the impersonal aspect of 9 corrects course indiscriminately to re-establish itself as love and respect for all life representing the highest order of being. As a fire element number, 9 can be a warrior for Truth, an eternal flame for True Love and a righteous crusader for the greatest good in humanity. 9 is the number of the ultimate universal peaceful warrior and represents revolutionary resolve to reform the world where the universal welfare of all is concerned, to bring unity consciousness to awareness as the Truth of Being. 9 includes the uniqueness of all individuals as expressions of one consciousness. Separatist, service to self consciousness that seeks to dis-unify or segregate humanity from the Truth of Being as unity consciousness is part of the 9 shadow. However, in its redeeming aspect, for every door 9 closes, it opens another. 9 is unlimited opportunity for good or ill, but for 9, all life matters.
An undercurrent stirring of reform through unity awareness has been quietly building since 2011 in women’s rights groups, the expansion of animal rights organizations, child/human trafficking exposure, wikileaks efforts, whistle blowers, political watchdog groups and ethnic rights uprisings, to name a few. The list is long.
It therefore seems fitting that in 2016, a universal 9 year and the last year of the universal MD cycle of 8, along with the ongoing 9 energy started in the U.S. in 2011, that we began to witness more 9 qualities of energy in action. The never before experienced unity at Standing Rock, North Dakota, brought over ninety Native American tribes together for the first time in peace and love to protect the land and water and bring an end to the oppression and domination of the fossil fuel industry. Incidentally, the number sum total of the name Native American is 9. Peaceful warriors, indeed. Furthermore, the unity and solidarity has been world wide with people from many countries responding to the call and that will likely establish a precedent into 2017. However, as we were still in the 8 MD, the power struggles with the pipeline companies also continued through the end of the year and beyond, but Standing Rock and similar events predict the trend about to be set.
The nine year cycle of 9 for the US that began in 2011 will end in 2020. However, in 2017, the new nine year cycle the world begins will be the 225th MD cycle, which is, again, 9 (2+2+5). The 9 energy of this cycle will last until 2025. This means that since the beginning of 2017, the U.S., alongside the rest of the world, is being influenced by 9 energy, effectively doubling the influencing power of that number until 2020, and then the world will continue to be in MD 9 energy for another five years. This has the potential to change our lives in significant ways never experienced since our beginning year CE 1. 9 will bring its share of disappointments and losses but its higher purpose is redeemed again and again through unity with unconditional love and solidarity, especially in the new 2 energy of relational networking and cooperation now unfolding.
Changes for Awakening
There are two new doors that have already been opened to assist us in this transitional process as never before in the past two millennia.
The first door, the millennial cycle change from 1 energy (established in the year 1000) to 2 energy in the year 2000, was undoubtedly the single most significant cycle change to ever occur in recorded history since the beginning of our calendar. The year 2000 established the rise of the feminine, relational qualities of receptivity, connection, cooperation and integration for this entire new millennium cycle. This was a huge shift in energy, so huge, both quantitatively and qualitatively, that it seemed to go right over the heads of some and threatened the daylights out of others. The density of physical form makes adjustment to an energetic shift of such magnitude difficult, at best, and dangerous in the worst extreme. Being still so close to the threshold crossing can be like experiencing an undetermined extension of a triple critical day on the midline of a biorhythm chart: Have to stay home? Safe to go out? The inner conflict of fear and caution versus open receptivity and connection becomes awake and alive in the fire of unpredictability with unlimited potential. Fear or love. It is the choice point of every transitional moment.
The second door that has opened in our favor is the personal opportunity/challenge (O/C) cycle in the U.S. of 11-2/3 that fully began in 2015 and will last until 2024. Our last O/C cycle of 1/4 began in 2005 and ended in 2014. The positive opportunity in that cycle for the U.S. was about number 1 force and initiative, executive ability for moving forward independently with courage in leadership to renew and improve the human condition. The challenge of 4 with a 1 opportunity was to balance the tendency to engage in headstrong or egotistic, rigid control with steady, principled effort for laying foundations and forms that sustain life. 4 energy stimulates us to build and serve by honoring process and protocol, to structure new organizations with integrity and dependability.
We can be sure from the history that both the positive and negative aspects of these numbers were being employed during that time. However, with the negative aspects of the number 8 MD and PD cycles also in operation, ambition for power at all costs, ego-centrism, willful, self-serving aggression, manipulation, dogmatic control and rule by domination were assured. This is of course not to say there was nothing positive manifesting. However, crossing the millennial threshold carried the effect of entropy concentrated in the last century before, which fueled the expression of the negative aspects of these cycles due to increased density. Yet the silver lining in those dark clouds had also begun to generate light with our entrance into the new millennium.
Though news of a kinder, more feminine age has increased since 2000, the effort to define what that actually means has been problematic, even for women. As the mechanistic running of the world has definitely required masculine qualities of energy, the difficulty it seems in imagining leadership roles and then stepping into them for women has been a resistance to becoming like men to do so. One can imagine the threat this also posed to men. However, trying to describe the millennial shift and the new era can be like telling men and women they are neither men nor women, that their DNA is being so thoroughly rearranged as to be nearly unrecognizable, that the masculine, patriarchal way of life has already gone the way of the dinosaur and has been replaced by something new, totally unfamiliar and as yet undetected, neither masculine nor feminine, they just haven’t yet caught the drift. Chaos ensues in the struggle to grasp the ungraspable.
A subconscious awareness and fear of some entering this unknown territory might explain pushing the panic button in the first year after the crossing that resulted in the 9-11 events and aftermath as a desperate move to thwart the rapidly encroaching entropy upon us; like the unconscious death throes that produce volatile, aggressive, irrational fear and resistance to the inevitable integration bringing the start of a new multidimensional existence beyond our imagination. Integration in a world of separatist, mechanistic duality is not for the faint hearted though far better worlds await, perhaps just outside of our awareness.
The Movement from 1 to 2
The rise of the masculine, represented as the mental energy of pioneering strength, will, courage, determination, leadership and assertive action through the number 1 archetype, was perpetuated as consensus reality with the creation of our Julian (later renamed Gregorian) calendar around 4 BC and its first millennium that began the year count from 1 AD. As the first, that millennium energetically carried the 1 vibration, giving a thousand year boost of 1 energy from year 1 so that by the time we reached the year 1000, masculine archetype qualities of energy were already well on the rise to be then more fully expressed thereafter progressing as force and the dominant rule. The mere repetition of writing the number 1 as the first number of every calendar year date, every day for a thousand years, from the year 1000, further reinforced the energetic, as well as psychological impact of number 1 qualities, lived and expressed as a basically left-brain dominant existence of mental logic, intellect, sequence, critical reasoning and self-sufficiency in both men and women. One benefit of developing 1 energy was the establishment of a more anchored sense of self in form as creative individuality. This at first brought the initiative and courage to move forward, penetrate the mysteries of life and achieve goals. It also encouraged recognition of our unique differences and oppositions that perpetuated exploration, growth and expansion. These were the qualities best suited for the male human form for survival purposes while keeping us rooted in consensus reality. However, concentrated in the extreme, the basic nature of 1 energy to be self-developing and self-improving, as in leaders who serve by example, moved toward egoic aggression, self aggrandizing competition, self-preserving separatist domination and disconnection. Rather than arousing curiosity in those embedded in the status quo, or a desire to relate, opposite or other became threatening, developing and contributing to the current, deep resistance to differences and change in both men and women.
As the second millennium from the year 1000, the feminine archetype of 2 energy had opportunity to begin its slow ascent into greater awareness, though still heavily impeded by the reinforced 1 energy, which succeeded in the creation of patriarchal societies as the dominant rule. So, though feminine energy was being expressed, all those born in the second millennium, were strongly susceptible to being conditioned by the patriarchal model. However, by the year 2000, which began the third millennium, the feminine qualities of 2 energy were established in preparation for the reintegration of higher awareness in form and the creation of a new universally aware being. Every calendar year date written from 2000 on now begins with the number 2, bringing energetic support as never before to the relational 2 qualities of connection, receptivity, and cooperation. However, active participation in these qualities is necessary for their realization and actualization to avoid living predominately in their inevitable shadow qualities of inertia, division, disconnection, polarization and disintegration.
Enter the Millennials
So, now what, now that we’re here in this time of polarized discontent, division, hatred and dissent present in both men and women nearly to the point of a second civil war? There are no easy answers, but in all probability the split may be due in part to the shadow of duality and in part again to a resistance against the inevitable expression of integration as spirit and matter, feminine and masculine and polar opposites of light and dark ascending since the threshold crossing. I will more fully address the millennium shift into 2 energy in a future paper, but clearly the shift is stirring, in men and women alike, a greater desire for the expression of love, connection, acceptance and unity in the world.
Though we are not yet seeing the evidence of crossing the millennial threshold more definitively, it is certainly in part because the vestiges of the old paradigm in our awareness are still in the process of being cleared out. After all, we don’t cross a millennial threshold every day. We are in a critical transition time in which we are more vulnerable to the forces of change at work. The shadow side of 9 wants to shut the world out or preserve the peace by not making waves and blending in. The conflict in the discomfort of confrontation currently present in the U.S. under the shadow of 9 can cause us to acquiesce to the lesser good or darkness by normalizing it. Normalizing the dark is like shutting off the light to go to sleep. We settle into a familiar comfort zone. The dark we are now facing, however, by all accounts, is not for sleeping. With our conscious desire for improvement, this dark is for transformation, for lucid dreaming awake the new reality of unity consciousness into the light of day. From the perspective of an evolutionary order in keeping with the current shift in consciousness, all the new generations of so called Millennials will increasingly have a broader awareness of the higher truth of universal, unconditional love, light, connection and integration inherent within them, though some may feel like fish out of water in this current environment. However, they are and will be among the first to demonstrate the new awareness in the coming years. Now that the 8 energy ended in 2016 and the 9 PD energy is doubled in this 2017 year by the new 9 MD cycle, the power of connection in the 2 and the strength of reform, universal love and unity available in the 9 can perhaps start to become more apparent in the Millennials. The 1 energy of 2017 can be used to intend their success through balanced decisions and actions that assist them and all of us on this evolutionary path throughout the cycle.
As the second millennium saw real evidence of the rise of women, the last century was transitional for crossing into the 3rd millennium from the year 2000 and beyond as we prepared for the real possibility of a U.S. woman president in the second decade. Yet, while a milestone in our history, what is actually happening with the shift to 2 energy is much more significant than that as it represents the opportunity for a fundamental shift in how women and men co-exist on the planet as well as what is created by the integration of opposites. The charts have been done for Hilary, Donald and Bernie and all that can be said right now is that Hilary’s numbers showed she was destined to learn to serve and love the world unconditionally through great personal sacrifice, Donald’s chart describes a destructive, rabble rousing instigator on a mission, like a jack hammer in the hands of some version of God to destroy the status quo, and Bernie looks for all the world like a liberator, a way-shower, a gateway for truth. Now that the election is over and we have Trump for president, I will be writing a separate, short paper about his personal chart to perhaps help a bit more with what we can understand about him, his role in history, and what we can potentially expect in the aftermath of the election.
The most likely reason we are behind the rest of the world in this political endeavor in numerology terms is because the U.S. is heavily steeped in the number 1. It bears mentioning here that 1 is the numerical archetype of the self, as in pioneer, individuality and independence. Not surprisingly, both the soul number and the destiny number of the U.S. are 1, with a recurring opportunity/challenge (O/C) cycle of 1/4. The 1 energy in the past nine year O/C cycle of 1/4 from 2005 to 2014 tripled the influence of 1, as if in spite of the feminine 2 energy on the rise. In fact, the concentration of 1 energy in the US, echoing the old world paradigm of self-first with continuing resistance to the inevitable completion of the change to 2 energy, has been predictably intense, assuring the shift in awareness will not happen overnight. The 4 in the 1/4 O/C also challenged us to lay foundations and get things done in a practical way without negatively fixating or getting stuck in a rut as organizing and building can be exacting and slow.
But hold on, here. That second door mentioned a while ago? The O/C shift from 1/4 to 11-2/3? Yes, that’s another shift in opportunity from 1 to 2 for the US, and a master number 2 to boot. 11 is the higher octave, the master level energy of the number 2 (1+1 = 2). The master level of the 2 is called the Light Bearer or the Spiritual Master because while 2 is about relationship, sensitivity and receptivity, 11 is all that on a higher energetic level and charged with inspiration (positively charged strength of doubled 1 energy). 11 receives the high octane, electrical frequencies of the illuminated, inspirational order of being and seeks a spiritual, artistic or higher education outlet to bring it through, whenever, wherever or in whomever it occurs. The intense, high energy of 11 requires the counterbalance of its lower octave of 2, as one cannot constantly live in 11 energy and must energetically ‘descend’ to 2, which is why they are always written together as 11-2. The 3 challenge guards against being inauthentic while inspiring self-love, self-acceptance and creative self-expression. This new O/C cycle brings the need for new decisions and intuitive sharing based on the reception of inspired, numinous, often revelatory, visionary information to be networked and expressed. Combined with the 3 personal year in 2017 of self-improvement and self-expression in the U.S., and the 9 MD universal energy of unconditional love and humanitarian unity, which also favors creative expression (3×3 = 9), these are the makings for ushering in a new kind of renaissance period in our history; perhaps one that makes universal peace possible, though it may not look like it right away.
So, what about all that 9 energy?
Nine years of 9 energy, four of them doubled in 9, may seem that we are in for a lot of endings and completions, with some probable losses. Well, no one said this time was going to be easy. In fact, the last nine year personal directive (PD) cycle of 9 experienced in the U.S. began in 1930 and ended in 1939. Yes, those were the years of the Great Depression. However, that cycle coincided with a universal 8 major directive (MD) cycle that didn’t shift to 9 until 1935, effectively doubling the 9 from 1935 until 1939 toward ending the depression. Yet, another O/C 1/4 cycle in the U.S. that lasted from 1933 – 1942 also influenced the depression years both positively and negatively, relative to the existing millennial cycle of 1 energy in the 1900s. Similarly, the O/C 1/4 from 2005 – 2014 that ended for the U.S. two years ago also interfaced with the 9 PD cycle from 2011 that began the ending process but was impeded by the continued forward march of the O/C 1/4 energies until 2015. However, and this is a big however, we perhaps avoided a worse financial crash in the years following 2008, largely due, in all probability to the feminine 2 energy representing this new millennium and the Millennials with the qualities of interconnection, cooperation, co-creation and sharing. It should be noted that the 2008-2016 cycle marked the first complete nine year cycle of the new millennium as the last cycle before that began in 1999, which carried the intention set in the old paradigm millennium. In other words, 2008 began the first complete nine year cycle of the millennium with the first intentions that resonated with the new millennium energy, which were about hope and change. While hope may have carried us through, we are now experiencing the realization of the need for our full participation in terms of being the change we hoped to see. We can begin the second nine year cycle of this new era in 2017 that carries doubled 9 energy with greater confidence and awareness of what needs to end for the changes we now envision.
As stated earlier, as of last year, we are now in the O/C cycle of 11-2/3 which, until 2025 in combination with the 9 could produce a new renaissance period, but will undoubtedly offer a much better environment for innovative, ingenious inventions and the reaching of new spiritually inspired and embodied realizations. The combination of 11-2/3 and 9 can assist in the development of cooperation, connection and integration with unity consciousness and love through the endings, completions and losses rather than allowing them to separate and divide us. It is helpful to remember that because 9 is ultimately the number of universal, unconditional love, the completion aspect of 9 ends all that is not love, no longer serves or is necessary for our higher growth, or has reached its natural conclusion in a cycle. This understanding makes it easier to let go, despite the appearance of assumed losses.
As for 2017, the good news there is now that we are more aware of what we don’t want, of what no longer serves the greater good, we can start creating in alignment with the new paradigm energy as we make our way forward in the new world. And just to recap, the positive 1 of 2017 is a number of action, a mental number of courage, will, intelligence and daring to decide and initiate with dynamic force and energy. If we use the 1 energy to discover the best direction for the new cycle, make the decision and begin to take action, the 9 MD and 9 PD cycles will allow us to clean house, to let go and release the old paradigm ego-centric patterns and open to the unity consciousness of interconnectedness that calls us in this new era. 2017 will provide the momentum of inspiration and opportunities to set our sites more directly on what new direction we want to co-create. We can firmly choose what plans and initiatives we have in mind to improve our lives and the human condition for the new universal cycle as we go about the business of opening to receive inspiration and moving forward. There seem to be two paths, the path of service to self, which is limited and therefore limits the reach and realization of the whole, and the path of service to others, which ultimately also serves the self yet expands the greater good and stimulates actualization of the whole.
The O/C 11-2/3 in the U.S. can also help open our intuitive perceptions and the U.S. 3 personal year will lend itself to authentic self improvement and self-expression, while the 2 millennium will assist in steadily increasing our receptivity, interconnectedness beyond borders, and multidimensional integration. And the 9? Well, potentially, though it builds character and compassion through suffering, either a marginalized homogenization (normalization) for peace that will forestall though increase the inevitable consequences of our past choices and actions a while longer,… or revolutionary action for reform, driven by universal love in the relentless pursuit of Life as the highest good, with the determination of divine fire for union with the absolute Truth of Being. The choice, as always…
Inclusion Conclusion
We are undeniably in a new age, a new era in which a new world order can come about through realizing the completion of the old order and clearing away the debris to make way for a new, integrated way of being. The meaning of that may mean different things to different people but, in any case, old habits die hard and letting go of a thousand years of more or less dominant patriarchal rule and separatist ways is proving to be the challenge of the age. Though inevitable, for some this shift may be the long awaited and welcomed New Way to be cultivated, but for others it may seem terrifying and threatening, and for still others, impossible. For the latter, the residual resistance will continue to create and manifest distorted versions of the new reality from their limited perspective, perhaps for many years yet to come. However, as the shift has already occurred and waits only for our collective conscious awareness of it, theirs will not endure. Like a few out of tune instruments in an orchestra, they will perhaps eventually be brought around to renewed resonance, absorbed into the resounding harmonic din of those in joyful alignment with the beauty of the Music in a groundswell of Universal Love.
We are called now, more than ever before, to awaken to the Truth of who and what we are. At times both perilous and glorious in this journey together and individually, our conscious choices will determine our fate in this dimension as well as the nature of our entrance into another.
So, stay open, get connected, stay grounded, go with love and get busy. Starting with 2017, the next nine years are going to be a wild ride.
Candice Powers
Revised January 1, 2017