2018 – A Master Number 11–2 Universal Year

2018 = 11-2 (2+0+1+8 = 11, 1+1 = 2)

Ohwomen of the world!

Teach us how to be harmonious, teach us how to receive inner guidance,

Teach us how to peacefully relate with our differences,

 Teach us how to love, unconditionally. Teach us how to dance.

2018 is the year of Mastering Right Relationships, Global Networking and Women Rising. 11-2 is about Visionaries, Peacemakers, Inspiration and Interconnectedness in the Millennium of We. It is the second year in the new nine year, universal cycle that began in 2017, a 1 universal year.

2018 is a dual year because it carries the energy and meaning of both the master number 11 (2+0+1+8) and its single digit sum, the number 2 (1+1). Master numbers carry the higher level energy of their single digit sums (base numbers). We are therefore in the energy this year of both the 11 and the 2.

2 represents the feminine archetype qualities with keywords like patience,co-operation, consideration of others and inner peace. It is called the Peacemaker, Diplomat, Companion and Networker. 2 brings people together in teams and partnerships. The energy is emotional, spiritual and relational, sensitive and receptive. Generally, under the influence of 2, people more readily render aid. They are more inclined to offer reassurance and comfort in the time of need. With the presence of 2 energy, there is increased interest and desire to connect with others, share ideas, socialize and work together in co-creative endeavors with intention for peaceful agreement or diplomatic social reform. It will be a busy year of purposeful gatherings.

Yet, we can see the other side of 2 in the deeply dividing contentions currently present in the U.S. that are polarizing the nation over a number of issues. Shadow elements of this number to be aware of include us and them mentality, pettiness, shaming and blaming, denial and passive aggression. Under 2 energy, we can be pessimistic and critical, vacillating and indecisive, or reactive, separating and dividing, both insensitive and oversensitive.  At the same time, the 2 influence offers opportunity to bridge the divide. Experiences this year illuminate the intrapersonal mirror of the dual aspects in our self-awareness and self-care, in our judgments, reaction patterns, sensitivities, morals and values, if we dare to look. Compassionate consideration of the self is directly related to increased ability for considering others and the creation of a peaceful, integrated society.

The potential for greater understanding of the true purpose of this cycle, begun in 2017, is present in the voices of the popular vote for equality, civil

rights and peace; for a life without unchecked violence and war, in protests and an outcry that are being heard around the world. We are compelled in this year to actively work toward unity through a truer understanding of interdependence and cooperation for the greater good. Boundaries that define higher truth and Love for improving humanity will be firm and evident.

Good things may come to those who wait and patience is a virtue, but under the influence of the 11-2, waiting is not inertia, vacillation, indecision or keeping quiet, it is the ebb before the flow, the calm before the storm. Patience in 11-2 is about accessing the wisdom of right action in right timing. 

2018 is the year of women, to be sure. Combined with the new millennium of We and 2 energy (the 2000s), we will see women rising on every front in society. We will become more aware of the strength of women as wisdom keepers, who nurture the development of peaceful means and lead through cooperative efforts for meaningful connections; women who demonstrate a new understanding of interdependence and integration in the co-creative relationship; women who will be acknowledged and supported by clear minded, strong hearted, integrated men, as well as other women.  Record numbers of women will also be running for office this year and many will win, yet, potential for political change is just a part of what this year offers.

“Another man’s floor”, as atop “One man’s ceiling” these days could be, relatively speaking, ‘another woman’s planet’, but to understand relativity, it isn’t necessary to have a degree in physics or travel to the other end of the earth to experience the effect of a butterfly flapping its wings in Texas. Anyone can consciously access interrelatedness right where they are, perhaps in their neighborhood or in their house, or in the molecules of their own body.  Right relationship can mean that whether accessing the masculine or feminine qualities co-existing within the self, those qualities can be related to and/or expressed in right timing as needed, without judgment, and thereby transcend the need for validation of either. Response vs reaction here means relating responsibly to what’s happening in the self at any time, in any situation.

We are surprisingly emotional this year. We notice unexpected emotional responses from those previously seen as less expressive. Men and women everywhere will be responding publicly with emotional intensity to moral injustice and imbalance in society and the world will take note. We may feel more sensitive, open and vulnerable in the relational qualities of the 11-2, more receptive and empathetic and yet the essence of these qualities is strength rather than weakness. At the same time, expanding consciousness in awareness needs consistent balancing. It is advisable to tend to personal sensitivities with caring compassion and welcoming aliveness, while being mindful of any tendencies toward co-dependency, victimization or martyrdom arising from oversensitivity or insecurity.

In this new time, receptivity and relativity are paramount. The presence of the 2 archetype enhances the capacity to see both sides of things toward successful negotiation, arbitration and peaceful resolution. 2 supports developing right relationships with everything from people to paradigms, with a millennial twist.

We cannot escape the dance of duality under the tutelage of 2 energy in this new millennium of the 2000s. The potential for division and polarity always exists, yet transmutation through integration would transform our existence. In 2018, through the 11-2, we can understand something about integration by observing the relationship of darkness and Light. Even when a light is switched on and the darkness disappears, we can learn something more about the dynamic of this relationship. The night cannot withstand the brilliance of the emerging dawn because the darkness has no actual substance of its own, it is merely the absence of the sun’s light, which is ever present, only appearing to be temporarily elsewhere. In the presence of the sun, the darkness of the shadow is in reality nothing more than a testimony to the brightness of the Light.  It is this integrated contrast, this dance of Light and darkness, that reminds us to rightly see the Light as our Reality while keeping the dark in its proper perspective as the absence of Light, an abstraction of spirit in form.

The Light of higher consciousness shines brightly this year and is available in the energy of the number 11-2, as the number 11 takes everything about the 2 to an inspired level.

The synchronistic presence of 11:11 in any instance can be both a reminder of the awareness of spiritual connection and a call to action from the higher Self. The self and the higher Self in right relationship are like two pillars supporting the same roof of unity consciousness as direct knowing and right action. 11 provides powerful opportunities and encourages our better natures, individually and universally, through higher ideals to serve the greater good. The high voltage energy of the 11 in the unaware easily falls into the negative, and can be explosive and revengeful. Shadow elements of 11 include self-righteous elitism and fanaticism; inspirational power used harmfully; over-reaction to criticism, and attacks on dissimilar viewpoints. Honest, non-judgmental mirror gazing, periodically, is highly recommended.

The 11 is called the Light Bearer or Light Worker and the Spiritual Master. The zeal and idealism inherent in the master number 11 encourages higher psychological and philosophical thought toward the upliftment of heart and soul. The numinous interaction of two fiery, masculine, electrical, creative 1s with the open, relational and loving 2 is a cosmic, dynamic relationship of higher Love in unity.  11-2 illuminates the interconnectedness of all things in existence with spiritual dimensions and with this energy, we can relate to the highest good in all. Evidence of this will be seen around the globe in 2018

Visionary artists, teachers, healers and leaders will be more visible or appear in greater numbers with refined senses and enlightened ways for improving conditions. Business can be improved with better conditions by resolutions to put them on a more altruistic basis for the betterment of mankind with greater potentials to progress into the future.

A new world of interconnection, mutuality and interdependence, of kindness, empathy and Love is here and more available than ever. It awaits our awareness, acknowledgment and willing participation.

The energetic field of Unity Consciousness enriches the mystical 11 for greater contact and relationship with ‘Other’ in phenomenology for higher awareness of the self, with opportunity to develop empathic connections, emotional intelligence and heightened psychic attunement. It is a good time to develop spiritual gifts from the universe on the inner planes. Right timing and right action for the opening of interdimensional portals are intuitively revealed. Many will awaken to a new Reality within and an increased number of highly gifted, unusual children will be born or awakened this year.

11-2 is the archetype of the Cosmic Peacemaker, appearing once in each of nine decades in this century, who invites us all to shine the light of love and inspiration, to illuminate the truth of humanity through receptivity and revelation, in the spirit of cooperation for the co-creation of a New Being. May we heed the call.

Reality is nothing if not an interconnected network of Life and its movements. Like the temporal relationships of rhythm, melody and harmony in music, 112 is about relating in right timing and timing is everything, so let us not march to war, let’s listen to the music and dance!

Candice Powers

February 2018
