Universal Year Readings


                                                                                        A Number 7 Universal Year (2+0+2+3 = 7)

                                                                                        A Year of Reckoning and Higher Principles

 7—The Truth Seeker, Thinker, Destroyer of the False Self

The number 7 energy cycling in place this year offers the opportunity for discerning truth from prevailing information, yet it is the very nature of truth itself that will be under the spotlight.

 Truth: Facts, Lies, Deceit, Fear, Untruths, Relative Truth, Beliefs, Ultimate Truth  

How do we navigate our way to understanding the nature of Reality in a world of illusion, delusion and disinformation? What is Truth? In this modern era of media content, ChatGPT, deep fakes, alternative facts and media companies creating Special Factual products all blur the lines between fact and fiction, often with a purpose to expressly influence beliefs and world views.  Discrimination, critical thinking and a healthy level of discernment ability have always been essential requirements for navigating our way in the world, yet in the age of the internet and the, so far, largely unregulated rapid advance of AI, many have all but lost or fail to recognize the importance of these abilities.

The Difference Between Information, Knowledge and Experience

Information is ubiquitous. It is not necessarily factual, true or trustworthy. In a time of disinformation, when many people get their news from social media, research has become subsumed and traded for the convenience of sound bytes and bots that channel select information into previously confirmed feeds. However, decisions based on the same bits of limited or superficial information inevitably results in errors. Information can also be an escape, consumed as a time and energy wasting distraction.

Knowledge is stronger, evidence based information that is the most probable to be true. Information must be refined to become knowledge. Once you have multiple pieces of vetted information that validate and confirm something is true, you have knowledge.

Knowledge becomes first hand through corroborating experience.  In an age of information, knowledge is power. Knowledge is intelligence that becomes wisdom when gained through experience.

7 energy stimulates in us the desire to understand life on a deeper level, to somehow get to the truth of being, yet the latter quest requires no small amount of courage and willingness to discriminate between true and false, to look squarely within, face and ferret out what does not serve our ideal of higher truth.  In a universal transition to higher consciousness, 7 stimulates a kind of spiritual housecleaning, whether it be of ideas, systems, beliefs, or a millennium of patriarchy. 

2017 began the 225th Universal nine year cycle since the beginning of our calendar in year 1 AD and it will end in 2025.  Noting this is the 225th  cycle, it is referred to as a Major Directive (MD) cycle. This one carries the number 9 quality of energy (2+2+5 = 9) as the directive energy for the whole cycle.

This means from 2017—2025 the completion energy of the number 9 will direct people and events in the world and the US toward endings, letting go and completions. 9 offers energy for developing universal, unconditional love and compassion toward a sense of unity and brother/sisterhood.   

At the same time, 2023, as the 7th year in the 2017 Universal cycle, is a year of reckoning, of asking the harder questions and coming to terms for deeper understanding.  2023 is not only a year of reckoning in the world, it is a year of coming to terms for each of us regarding our true stance in our personal world view, prompted by our collective shadow coming sharply into view.

2023 is a year for taking a step back to examine and assess our current condition as humans, society members, country and world citizens. In this 7 year of reflection and introspection about where we have been and where we are going, we are taking stock in how things have been playing out since the beginning of this Universal 2017 cycle.

The Personal Year cycle for the US began in 2015 and will complete this December in its 9th year. So, while the world is still in a completion phase with the 9 MD cycle until 2025 and with the spiritual housecleaning aspects of this 7 Universal Year, 2023 is perfectly aligned for some major clearings and endings. Suffice it to say, with the US in double 9 energy this year, much will be coming to a head for Americans.

In 2023, all kinds of truth telling will seem to go on and the fear of exposure will instigate attempts to weaponize the truth with accusations and counter punches, yet these, too, will be scrutinized.  Those who try to deny, distort or otherwise embellish what is evidentially true will find their deceptive efforts backfiring as these tactics will no longer hold sway for them as in the past.

Conspiracy theories that fail to produce knowledgeable evidence will become more transparent with public exposure. Things long hidden are revealed and that which is false will not escape the scrutiny of 7 inquiry and analysis.  Truth will prevail in this climate, even in the midst of shadow elements, as the essence of deeper truth coming to bear will make it increasingly difficult for those who perpetuate the false to persist.

On the sociopolitical front, there will be a laser focus on what needs closer scrutiny as we engage in assessing, refining or perfecting existing conditions. 7 demands logic, reason, intuition and a discriminating discernment in the discovery process of what is real and true and this will become evident on all fronts.

7 stands out alone as the individualist, the expert, the one that is different, the one that doesn’t run with the crowd.  This year we are interested in different, specialized things, rather than the usual fare. Business as usual will be taking a back seat to exposing the untruths that have permeated sociopolitical arenas since, at least, 2017. Economic and financial concerns will get greater attention with reforms in mind.

Out With the Old, In With the Better

The 9 completion energy in the world and the United States in this 7 Universal Year all signal a cleansing or purification process.  We can see this in the urgency of our current political on-goings to let go of what is no longer needed and embrace higher principles or an order of being that resonates at a higher frequency in this transition to greater consciousness awareness.

Such clearings in 2023 will reveal many surprising things under the surface that can aid societal, planetary and evolutionary goals. On the material plane, the 7 archetype is expressed in all areas that rely on discernment, precision, distinction, and discrimination. In this year, past ways and means will be analyzed, leading to new, innovative discoveries in technology, science and medicine with advancement in the areas of research, education and specialized training.

The Hidden, the Veiled, the Mystery of Life

The number 7 is first and foremost spiritual in nature and stands to uphold the qualities of excellence, purity and truth in love and life. 7 represents mystery, the hidden, unseen realms, and we can expect the unexpected, as well as some surprise endings in this year. Exploration into metaphysics, parapsychology and consciousness, especially in the fields of UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence, will lead to greater public exposure and demands for answers, as well as gain wider acceptance through increasing experience and knowledge. Revealing vs normalizing will be in high demand.

7 enhances perceptive abilities to see beneath the surface of things.  Through an increased sensitivity to higher principles, the ability to discern between true and false increases as the truth becomes more available.  Deception, therefore, becomes more transparent in a 7 year and we want to know the truth because we sense we are closer to it. We want to understand because we can see more clearly and feel it brings us closer to what is real and at essence in humanity.

7 Seeks knowledge above all else, yet its mystical nature finds something of the soul in all things.  It is a lucky number when drawing upon its inner force of wisdom and intuitive guidance that leads to knowledge and skill.

We are most assuredly in a period of reform in both the world and the US. This is good news in this spiritual housecleaning year for what is to come. In the still moments of our deepest thoughts, in times of inner and outer conflict, what we value most in life comes into sharper view. We may be touched by the sacredness of life as we ponder what we are learning from experience and secretly vow to do better, to be better.

7 is the educator of world. May its luck shine upon us. May we gain a greater understanding of the higher principles of being in this 7 year and endeavor to live by them.

Candice Powers, Numerologist





A  Universal 4 Year

(2+0+2+0 = 4)

Until you make the unconscious, conscious, it will rule your life

and you will call it Fate—C.G. Jung


Let’s get real. The number 4 represents dense matter and form in material existence. 4 is a number of security, system, order and method in the structuring of our lives from intention to reality. This year will see big effort toward bringing plans of the past to realization. Whether constructing a house, organizing a business, building a relationship or rebuilding government and society, the number 4 makes it possible to get the job done. 

The number 4 represents the realization of human conditioning as the embodied integration of spiritual and material forms. The realization of any idea or goal depends on the organization of form in multi dimensions and, in a practical, boots on the ground kind of way, organization on the physical plane often amounts to struggle and conflict in the process of reconciling opposing forces into a cohesive order.  Conflict and struggle will be more in evidence this year in the efforts toward realizing a higher order of being.

To be clear, this is where the rubber meets the road. What humanity is facing in these times is as real as it gets. Standing on a plateau between the past and the future, now is the time for assessing our values, heeding the call and taking action in preparation for transformation. The world is at a critical juncture during these transitional times and, in this crucial election year, the United States is in the spotlight. Americans are being called to take a serious look within, to be honest about what’s going on with the planet, the country and ourselves, to face facts squarely and meet obstacles with courage and a determination to resolve them.

2020 is a year of opportunity but has a more serious tone than last year. The opportunity is one of stepping up to the plate and making the necessary effort, on any level of existence, to achieve results. Dreams of the past have the possibility of manifesting into being.  

The number 4 represents reality in the proof of form in everything from ideas to scientific experiments, systems and structures. The forces of practicality and the usefulness of proven facts that have governed human lives from time immemorial, reinforced a belief in the separation between the spiritual and the material that helped established the illusion of tangible realness in materiality. 4 is therefore the number of security and certainty, ultimately as a defense against death and dying, and world wars have been fought in their names. Humans are therefore attracted to fear and negativity to verify physical existence through a hyper-vigilant need to identify and defend or fight against it to ensure survival of the body/mind. Ironically, this is like fighting for peace, motivated by inner conflict, to achieve security and certainty.

It seems humanity’s unconscious addiction to physicality in separation, which generates fear to keep the ego sated and the body intact, has only been mildly challenged by a conscious desire to transcend the pain of material existence by conquering or leaving it. The influence of 4 creates the desire to find out what’s wrong and make it right, and makes us enjoy the struggle end of achievement for the thrill of accomplishment. The addictive nature of 4 can cause us to get stuck in conflict when diving into the wrong of things without effort toward a constructive goal.

However, 4 is also about honesty, integrity and dependability and in this new era of integration, the quality of the number 4 that represents the ability to bring material existence into being from our conscious and unconscious desires to create is informing our collective awareness with greater frequency. The dream of the Greater Reality has been knocking more loudly, it seems, on the door of our unconscious/shadow since the year 2000 by making it more visible to help us awaken. The understanding of our innate ability to consciously manifest our dreams in right relationship with the All that Is, is evidently evolving, but the events and actions of this 4 year will nonetheless require no uncertain amount of sleeves rolling up and digging in of heels, figuratively and literally.

Cycles of Change

Humanity proceeds in linear time based on creative development cycles of nine, beginning with the nine month cycle of gestation it takes to create a body. That template describes the process of development in archetypal qualities represented by the numbers 1-9 with 1 being conception or beginning and 9 being full term or completion. All stages of development in the process represented by the rest of the numbers are interconnected based on what was seeded or intended in the beginning in order to bring it to completion or end, as in full term. In the case of gestation, all nine months of that cycle are devoted to the development of the conceived seed to make a human body. After birth, the creative development cycles of nine continue, counted in years, with the seed intentions in the first year of every nine year cycle, throughout human life, determining the purpose and direction of the entire cycle. Our current nine year cycle bears looking into from the beginning for help in understanding not only the path we are on in US, specifically, but for identifying the signposts and timing of changes ahead.

2017 was the first year, a universal 1 year of a new universal nine year cycle, in which the intention for the cycle was set to be completed in 2025. 2017 was also the year Donald Trump was inaugurated as president of the United States. The question is, what was the collective intention in that year that will become established in this year? What work is at play in this substructure of existence? Whose plans are being laid as the foundation to be played out? Are the intentions of everyone included? This will be explored later here in relationship to what this year might hold for our future.

2018, the second year in this new cyle, as an 11-2 year (2+0+1+8 = 11, 1+1 = 2) was a year of light that found us gathering together and developing our 2017 intentions as well as creating breaks in association resulting from polarizing divisiveness. The atmosphere of 2 energy, as in the 1+1 relationship that permits one to be mirrored by another, allowed us to see ourselves either separate or opposite from the other, reflected in the other or as two sides of the same coin, so to speak, giving rise to both connection and equally apparent division. There was spiritual infusion through the master number 11-2  in 2018 that presented the opportunity to become more deeply informed and inspired by a higher vision for humanity, to bring to light the darkness that had been underlying operations in the world and at home in the US for so many years. Many things were revealed in 2018 as this was a very important year in the cycle for gathering information and connecting with the bigger picture of our evolutionary path in the new millennium. In fact, a dawning awareness since the year 2000 (2 energy) has been preparing us for the circumstances in which we, especially in the US, now find ourselves.

2019 was a universal 3 year in which the inspirations of 2018, born of adversity as well as higher perceptions, began to sink in on a more personal level. You may have noticed you were a bit more optimistic even during the ongoing turmoil in the country. You may have felt more social, more creatively expressive and more easily positive, generally, in 2019. The point of 3 is self-improvement through self-awareness and the self-expression of the available inspiration, which can show up even through negative experiences. What we gain from our personal experiences in a 3 year can give us a positive boost of energy around how we, personally, wish to get involved in the improvement of ourselves, society or the world. 3 energy in 2019 invited us to dream and, on the shadow side, to perhaps worry about our own individual place in the grand scheme of things.  Yet, the success of dreaming is furthered in the doing, which was right on time for 2020.

2020 is a year in which the feeling is one of needing to be up and doing and this makes perfect sense in an election year of this magnitude. 2020, as the fourth year and a universal 4 quality of energy in this nine year cycle, will therefore see and support the ways and means for carrying out plans set into motion in 2017 toward completion of the cycle in 2025. In a typical 4 year, plans get organized, formalized and become established, things from religious institutions to societies to buildings get dismantled and restructured. New foundations are laid, mental and physical efforts finally get real results and dreams become reality. This year will see the results of our labors from the previous years. At the same time, 4 is a building year and all affairs, living conditions, family matters and business activities will need steady application and attention to details as part of the daily and monthly requirements to establish stability and a firmer basis for future growth.

4 brings the opportunity for transformation through the number 20 which represents a turning point in 2020. With the doubling of the 2 energy as 4 (2+2), shadow elements present themselves to be faced in this year in the restructuring of society.  In engineering, something that is well built is considered to have structural integrity and that which is poorly made is considered a structural failure. Destruction therefore carries 4 energy as the shadow of construction, just as integrity is shadowed by failure. We are therefore reminded that failure is never really about what is attempted and not achieved but rather about the lack of true effort.

The opportunity this year is to focus on those things that really matter to us, individually, to reconnect with what we know needs to get done and do it.  Individual efforts toward improvement contribute to the collective betterment. With the ongoing old paradigm propensity for establishing endless wars and more restricting life in the running, there is much to do if we are to realize our better intentions.

Everything having to do with being practical, physical, tenacious, determined and honest are qualities of energy supported under the influence of 4.  These apply to everything, from ideas to organizations or personalities, as well as to nature and the environment. As an Earth element number, 4 tasks us to consider ourselves one with the environment to preserve the beauty and balance of its natural order and systems so essential to our existence, to begin the deeper work of integration in earnest for the sake of ourselves and the planet. As a number of physicality, 4 rules the physical structure of the body and brings the requirements of practical, common sense practices as well as grounding and centering for good health.

About Those 2017 Intentions…

Quantum physics tells us what becomes real is that which is focused upon. The New Thought as well as the old religious understanding also says that unity consciousness brings forward that which is intended, fueled by passion, especially in groups. The collective intention for the direction of the country could therefore be set by the strength of the emotion and desire expressed by the greatest number of people. In fact, the high turnout in 2016 for Bernie Sanders as well as the three million more in the popular vote for Hillary Clinton far outweigh the 306 electoral college delegate votes received by Trump.

However, because those in positions of worldly power can make decisions that affect the many, it may seem that a select few set the intentions for the rest of us by default, simply because their agendas are being carried out, but that would not be completely accurate. For instance, in the political arena, a recent world poll of 33 countries found a majority disapproval (69%) of President Trump and his policies from 2017 onward, which strongly suggests that the greater desire and intention in the world in that year was counter to that which was being set by smaller groups of people in positions of power in the US and elsewhere in the world, regarding political direction.  See it here: https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2020/01/08/trump-ratings-remain-low-around-globe-while-views-of-u-s-stay-mostly-favorable/

If enough individuals in the world were feeling the same way about the direction in which they wanted to move forward, based on events in 2017 or before, expressed with some level of passion in word or action, that would be the collective intention that was the strongest with the most potential for fulfillment in the cycle.

What about here in the US? What were your intentions in 2017? The political climate in the US that year was so intense that the collective energy was super charged, polarized between shock and elation, though I would argue mostly shock, catapulting people on both sides into defensive postures and fostering ideas and intentions that are and will be carrying through the cycle. One thing was clear by the end of 2017, those in opposition to the new administration knew very well what they did not want. While not the same thing as a definitively stated goal,  it would seem that there were more of us who resisted the new president than supported him, who were unhappy with the election results and wanted something different to happen from there.  Therefore, contrary to current appearances, and based on the quantum principles of cyclical existence, the collective strength of intention in the majority has the bulk of the power to endure through the cycle.

At the same time, intentions are potentials, not absolutes, and though intentions set in a universal or personal 1 year have a much greater potential for fulfillment than any other year in the cycle as it carries the birthing force, the direction must be clearly recognized and opportunities for its support, offered in the following years of the cycle, taken and applied.

The Trump administration’s intentions have become very clear over the past three years. Trump has reinforced his agenda to stay in power by holding rallies with his base in every year and attempting to influence people to even become violent toward those who are against him. He has put considerable effort toward establishing memes of divisiveness, separation, hate and violence. What he has lacked in substance, he has made up for in sheer perseverance. These memes as well as his intentions for the country, have been carried out by Trump and his administration to shred regulations in all agencies, to weaken protections for the poor and disabled, the environment, pulling out of the climate agreement, separating immigrant children from their parents and families, provoking Iran by pulling out of the nuclear deal, threatening our national security and he was impeached by the house and put on trial for corrupt behavior with Ukraine, to name a few.

In the absence of effort toward the greater intention set by the rest of the country and the world, if amounting to a more or less passive resistance to the changes brought by Trump, the default intentions and agendas of this administration have potential for becoming established in this year as part of this cycle, which, again, will not end until 2025. This means all those who wanted and envisioned something different in 2017 than what Trump was intending and bringing, who have held that vision until this year, need now, more than ever, to step up to the plate in word and action in whatever way is specific to you, to bring that vision into reality. At the same time, though love is the strongest force, it seems clear that actions borne of fear and hate will only add to that pot of soup already being generated.

The shock and awe created by Trump’s actions have kept many of us in defense mode rather than going after what we want with positive passion and action.  From the pervasive fear and anger expressed by all sides, it would seem that we are in a battle for dominance, but to be clear, I am not talking about us and them, here.  What’s different in the 2000s, now that we can see the shadow side of things more clearly through the mirror qualities of 2, is the potential for greater division and polarity exists and has in fact been playing out. We seemed to have become more divided in the new millennium, yet the potential for integration is also higher now, if for no other reason than becoming more aware of what divides us.

Rather than thinking and acting from a good vs evil stance, coming from the perspective that basic goodness is the total Reality of being, awareness of being in alignment with that reality is all that is needed to exist harmoniously and manifest the greater good in the world. Diversity is a strength in this case as it means that can happen in so many different ways, in so many different places. When the energy of basic goodness in humans is truly owned and lived strongly enough in the collective, alignment with what IS will manifest more brightly, illuminating and thus obscuring all that is not that. Like how switching on the light makes the darkness disappear, simply absorbed into the light, becoming as One.

The New Millennium Path of Unity Consciousness

The year 2000 marked a millennial threshold crossing in time that also signaled a shift in the quality of energy we are now experiencing. We have shifted from absorption in the paradigm of I and me (1000s = 1 = self, individual, independent), to new possibilities in the paradigm of Us and We (2000s = 2 = self with other, together, cooperative, co-creative). 2 is the feminine archetype of spiritual/intuitive feeling and relating, of peaceful union and cooperation.  However, while the shadow possibility exists, the higher purpose of 2 energy does not speak to being lived in an era of group think or mob rule. Quite the opposite, we have entered a relational time of refinement and integration in which we are developing a more nuanced feeling and insight into everything that goes on within ourselves, our thoughts, feelings, ideas and beliefs in relationship to everything that touches our lives, whether tangible or imaginary. It is the integration rather than separation of the masculine and feminine archetypes.

The time is one of coming into being with our own individual uniqueness in relation to the whole. The opportunity for all is to awaken to being in relationship with all of it, to consider both or all sides, to cooperate with how we relate for a better understanding of the life we share with ourselves, each other, the planet and the universe at large.  The 2000s are a time of developing right relationship with the Divine and the spiritual aspects of existence. This means a shift from the desire for black and white absolutes of conditioned existence in the name of consistency, conformity or certainty, so central in the past millennium, to the discovery that potential exists in everything we desire or experience, even the unknown.

Experiencers of extraterrestrial, extradimensional phenomena, paranormal events and contact with life beyond 3D are some of the pioneers who are bringing us into the 21st century awareness of humanity’s evolutionary path to galactic citizenry.  They bring a message of humanity’s inclusion in the oneness of all life and the realization of our multi/inter-dimensional nature.

This means we can become the living, integrated expression of our inner and outer experience in unity consciousness and awareness of the sacredness of all life through conscious, self-aware choices. The shadow opposite means devolving further into division and separation, living an existence of polarization and fear. That, of course, would be similar to the result of the egoic idea that found the very dark and Middle Ages appealing after the fall of Rome.

Why Did the Horrific Events of 9-11 Happen in the New Millennium of Co-creative Peace?

The exploration of this subject could fill an entire book, but, from a number perspective, in a nutshell, humanity develops, as defined earlier, in cycles of 9 and the first decade of the 2000s did not contain a full nine year cycle within it. Though the year 2000 marked the crossing into the new millennium, 2000 was a universal 2 year (2+0+0+0 = 2). This means it was the second year of the universal cycle that began the year before in 1999, which was a universal 1 year (1+9+9+9 = 28, 2+8 = 10, 1+0 = 1) and therefore part of the old millennium of the 1000s. Because that nine year cycle from 1999 to 2007 began in the 1000s, it means most of the first decade of the new millennium, which included the events of 9-11 in 2001 and its aftermath, was in the cycle still connected to the old I-me paradigm of the previous millennium and the intentions set in that time. The new millennium cycles did not get fully underway until after that old cycle ended in 2007.

The first complete nine year cycle of the new millennium did not begin until it’s first universal 1 year in 2008 (2+0+0+8 = 10, 1+0 = 1), the year Barack Obama was elected to be the first African American President of the United States. Pretty interesting, right?  Based on the cycles, Obama was truly the first new millennium president, setting the intention around the world in the first new millennium cycle as a representative of the new paradigm of cooperation and integration in the US and the world. He embodied this even within himself as a person of mixed heritage, in the integration of black and white, a cooperative blend of opposing races. Obama’s presidency endured for the duration of the nine year cycle in part because he was elected in a universal 1 year, but also because the intention of the majority in the US and the world was inspired by a more positive message and was ready, in the post 9-11 climate of fear, to join and follow Obama’s intention of Hope and Change.

Enter Donald J. Trump

With Hope and Change as the intention, by the end of the cycle in 2016, bigger changes were still elusive as the persistent resistance in the country from old undercurrents was still very strong and hope grew less enthusiastic. Obama repeatedly stated he could not make changes by himself and the real change we were looking for did not materialize in the way we might have imagined, though some progress was made and the intention remained. Perhaps this was due in part to a lack of clarity about that intention. I remember just being grateful with the election of Obama to be out of the war years under George W. Bush, even though the war was ongoing because at least under Obama we could move in a new direction toward peace and better health care and other positive things for the country. It seemed, though, that many in the country, including me, worn down by the shock and awe environment, settled into a kind of complacency under Obama, even while continuing to embrace and defend progressive values and deal with growing concerns in our country and the world.  It wasn’t until 2016, the last year of Obama, when Hillary Clinton seemed like the obvious next step in the hope and change cycle that, surprise, surprise, real change came in the default form of the election of Donald Trump. Yet, the cycles tell us that this outcome was not at all what it seemed.

Many have agonized over the why of that result, but considering the shadow of the old paradigm, with the devastation from 9-11 still looming, it was perhaps more difficult to take advantage of the opportunities in front of us during the Obama cycle to truly see and develop the real change we wanted. The US still had massive problems in health care, even with the modest changes Obama implemented with the Affordable Care Act, which though better still had problems. Citizen’s United was still in place, corporate lobbyists were still controlling our politicians on both sides, we were still fighting in the Middle East and there was clear corruption being exposed by Julian Assange and others. Climate change and healthcare  were still very big, issues. Apparently, lots of business still tied to the old millennium needed to be resolved and cleared. And though many imagined a woman president may have been a better solution for real progress, what Hillary represented as a world leader was mostly following the path of the old paradigm and not the new. She voted for the war in Iraq as well as for the Patriot Act and pledged to fight anyone who tried to impose a two state solution on Israel.

So, perhaps Trump’s election in the last year of Obama’s cycle served its intention for change as a wakeup call to the deeper changes that were needed, by first showing us the change we didn’t want.  The galvanizing energy that came with that shock, perhaps aided by the emergent energy of the new millennium, has stimulated and ignited mass movement for many causes that have been brought to our awareness as never before.

It is worth reiterating here that, even though Trump was inaugurated in a universal 1 year in 2017, he was actually elected in 2016, a universal 9 year of completion, which, again, meant his election was a fulfillment of the cycle that began in 2008, the cycle of Obama. His presidency began with the inauguration in 2017, but it did not reflect a true new beginning that reflected the will of the people for the new cycle. Perhaps this is also why his election came as such a shock to so many.  Perhaps, we somehow knew he did not fit the great anticipation for the new cycle ahead in 2017. Just as 9-11 happened as part of an old millennium cycle, where everything about it was contested and challenged, there is, therefore a serious cloud of doubt about the endurance of Trump’s presidency through the new cycle.

It needs to be said here that though the new millennium has seemingly gotten off to a rocky start, letting go of two thousand years of patriarchal insurgence and rule will take more than a couple of decades. I take heart in knowing that 2000 marked two thousand years of development under this calendar time frame and the beginning of the third millennium of developing 3 energy. We are therefore now living into the already developed energy of 2 and all that remains to establish that fact is our awareness and willingness to be receptive to it, to be in it and live it as what IS. As more of us do so, the shift will become more apparent in the transcending of the old millennium paradigm of 1 energy and its integration in relationship to the new paradigm. However, density of grey matter in the human brain, which is more or less a mindset, makes change more challenging, and as the developing 2 was in the shadow of the 1 for the last two thousand years, we have much to do in regard to achieving the awareness of where we actually now are.

The Work

What’s going on in the country right now may seem beyond daunting and when it comes to politics, many feel helpless in the face of overwhelming odds against their actions having any effect or making a significant difference. Luckily, humanity is connected to many ongoing and interconnecting cycles of development and influence, universal and personal, directive, galactic and local.

This year the US, specifically, is also beginning a nine year directive cycle, determined by our calendar age, 244 years, that will carry the frequency of the number 1, which marks a resurgence of old paradigm sentiments about dominance, and the possibility that Trump, with enough support, could be re-elected. But it also means Americans have a chance this year, to reaffirm our intention for the direction of the country, for a real new beginning in the US which certainly could include the election of a new, progressive president as well as a restructuring of our system of government. The new 2 energy paradigm will either support through connection or, as it is again still new, further divide through indecision. However, with the number 4 this year lending the constructive and grounding support of practicality and productivity, along with the desire to get something done, preparatory efforts for change will be generally rewarded. Additionally, the personal year number for the US, based on our 4th of July birthday, is a 6, which is about adjustment, responsibility and balance, as well as stability and harmonization of previous years since the US began it’s new, personal cycle in 2015. The 1 energy of the directive cycle will last for another eight years, so fortunately, or not, it is not as strong a cycle as the personal and universal year cycles. The indication here is for making clear decisions in alignment with the direction that is desired and then act on them.

Summary Conclusion

All people in the world using our current calendar system are, in 2020, in the 4th year of following a collective intention, seeded by the majority with the impassioned desire for change in 2017, the beginning year of a new, universal nine year cycle. In 2020, that seeded intention is in its 4th step, bringing 4 energy  to accomplish the first level of becoming established through practical action, which will strengthen the intention to grow and complete its manifestation by the end of the cycle in 2025.

The changes intended around the world for positive change are focalized in the US as a pivotal point due to our political circumstances affecting the world. The US is also starting a brand new directive cycle this year that carries the influence of the number 1. This means the influence of the beginning energy of 1, like that in 2017, supports a fresh start, a change of direction that could be used to renew our intentions of 2017 for a better world that supports its peoples and the planet or introduce new intentions that are even more clear in support. Additionally, the US is in a 6 personal year, affording all Americans their right to justice through responsibility taken and adjustments made for peace and balance.

As always, humans are faced with choosing fear or love in all matters, but in this year we have the opportunity to face the fear and move through it with physical action to accomplish our goals. By recognizing, accepting and taking action in the direction we wish to go with determination and courage we can only gain in positive strength. For Americans, taking responsibility to better order, organize, manage and balance our personal lives this year will go a long way toward applying our talents to the achievement of our goals, as well as contribute productive energy to the collective.

In 2020, positive, constructive efforts will see real movement toward the realization of our dreams. Destructive efforts and actions will show the tearing down that results from negative conflict, argument and war. Every nine years we have the opportunity to change direction on personal and universal (collective) levels. In this cycle, on the heels of the Hope and Change cycle of Obama, the established order has been targeted for dismantling and those who support Donald Trump believe he was elected to dismantle it. However, what’s different, in this time from historical efforts to change the established order is the context, which for the past two thousand years has been under the aegis of 1, patriarchal energy. Since the year 2000, we are now in a completely new paradigm of 2, Divine Mother energy that is providing the new context for this change of order. Obama was the first new millennium president to usher in change in this new context of feminine energy for co-creation and integration and Donald Trump was elected within the cycle started by Obama. We could say, then, that Trump, in a back door kind of way, has been assisting the Obama cycle of Hope and Change by making it very clear what the real change needs to be by expressing the opposite.  

Trump and his administration have offered up another version of the same order that Trump claims to be against in truly effective ways. Oddly, he has claimed to be “draining the swamp” while he proceeds to blatantly recreate it. Namely, the old paradigm, imperialist, materialistically dominated, me (presented as “America”) first, separatist order, perhaps so we could get a cold, hard, concentrated look at it in order to remove any doubts about what we are wanting and indeed moving away from. His desperate efforts to hold on to the past by fiercely rejecting the inevitable change during this transitional time of moving to a higher order of human organization have succeeded in galvanizing those who have embraced the concept of an integrative, new order that supports the people and the planet but have been complacent in participating in its birth.  Interestingly, this fear of change and complacency is shared by the leaders of the democratic party, the majority of whom have also embraced the establishment status quo regarding the corporate model, even while espousing reform. Those who have embraced Trump are nonetheless eager to move to a better world, but their complacency has taken the form of a deeper, profound fear of change that has prompted them to follow those who resist it at all costs in the view that going back to a previous comfort zone is safer.

This new millennium energy and this new cycle in it, offers the opportunity to begin actively participating in the promotion of love and connection. We can begin to see things like the relationship between power and corruption from a new capacity to recognize the breadth and depth of our choices in relationships that create it, in every facet of life, including refining the relationship with our own selves and our ability to separate ourselves out from that which does not resonate.  In this new context, we can learn now to do that with compassion rather than with fear, hate and violence, with understanding and acceptance.

I’d like to say that focusing the majority of our time and energy on separatist fear and negativity at this point is really old school and that the progressive path is the surest, even safest way to toward achieving our destined higher order of being. However, the pragmatic realists coming out of the woodwork this year would call that ideal projection utopian, but if we can ask ourselves, as my friend, Cynthia Sue Larson, brilliantly brings to our attention, the question “How good can it get?”, we stand a much better chance of finding out. 

Candice Powers 

March 2020


A 3 Universal Year of the Child,

Dreaming New Visions into Reality,

 and Embracing Joy

(2+0+1+9 = 12, 1+2 = 3

“Good Things Come in Threes” Ancient Proverb

Why is the number 3 considered lucky? Yes, 3 is called the magic number, you get three guesses and the 3rd time’s the charm.  There is a tendency, apparently inherent in everything created, to group things in triads. A trinity of natural phenomena represents a completion or fulfillment, as in a beginning, middle and end or a triangle.

The world we see and live in is 3 dimensional. We measure the material world by length, height and width, and time in past, present and future. Groups of 3 are everywhere. 3 is the first complete number and the first complete stage in the human creative development cycles of 3-6-9.

 3 is the archetypal child, completing the union of 1 and 2, Father and Mother, yet is a new expression, a new entity, unique unto itself. 3 is a new integration beyond the contrast of 2 that does not negate the duality that preceded it but rather transcends it. The number 3, as the child, is about spontaneous joy and authentic, creative self-expression, self-acceptance and self-love. It lends itself to optimism, inspiration and good fortune. 3 represents youthful vigor, assisting in the achievement of goals through the sheer exuberance of satisfying completion.

How can the number 3 help us navigate these changing times? We may already notice this year feels a little happier or that it’s easier to be a little more positive in the new energy influence of 3. A happier state of heart opens us to the infinite abundance where we can learn to embrace joy and live in it at will.  Now that we know what we don’t want, the challenge is to become positively clear in our new vision of the reality we do want and express it into being.

Go Ahead, Take it Personally

“All Nations, indeed civilizations, are founded on visions.

We have lost sight of ours. Those visions represent our spirituality,

our ideals, our souls. They can suffer only so much at the pragmatic

hand of materialism. Eventually they must rise up in revolt, to scream out

‘an end to this madness, this insanity’.”

                                                                 —John Tatler

                                                                               Cycles of Time 1990


2018 was the 2nd year of the new nine year cycle that began in 2017, a number 1 beginning year in which there was greater push and opportunity to set intention for a new direction by a majority of its citizens in the US. As a universal number, setting the intention for a new direction under the number 1 was the opportunity for the entire developed world, but as the US is currently in a pivotal and tumultuous position, I’ve chosen to focus the content of this year’s reading there. 

New Year’s Day, 2019, yet may have found us still reeling and on edge about the world we live in, even more so considering increasing awareness of our state of affairs and political un-wellness in the United States. We may have felt confused, angry or frustrated, still waiting for what was to be revealed.  However, in the big picture, we are, without a doubt, in a new era, a new paradigm of a very different flavor, a new frequency that began in the year 2000, signaling the end of the previous thousand year cycle, with which we have yet to come to terms. 

It’s been said that 3 restores the damage 2 has caused by dividing. 

“When two fight over an egg, the third will get it”.

America has a purpose and a destiny of freedom and a foundation based on truth, justice and the pursuit of happiness.  Americans are, on the whole, increasingly and demonstrably weary of the negative, oppressive tone and divisiveness coming almost daily from our nation’s leaders and among us.  Judging by common themes and conversations in the current and social media, people understand that things are not right or even dangerously wrong, unprecedented and frightening. Yet, old means for resolution in this new territory do not promise success. This year will accentuate the need for sustainable relief and offer a third alternative to prevailing thought.

The number 3 this year has something to tell us about the improvements needed in ourselves to bring about a better world.

 What’s Going On?

If the 1 is about ego, the 3 is about the id and its hidden desires. The shadow side of 3 includes the willful, spoiled, unaware, unconscious and childish archetype. This looks like throwing tantrums, gossip, worry, and inertia, as well as criticism, lies and deceit, where words are wasted and energy is scattered in impulsive and superficial talk, sometimes with destructive results.  Jealousy and bribery are common. This means selling out for popularity, image-making without substance and making impulsive decisions without forethought or concern for consequences. Instead of dreaming about the good we want, the high quantity and velocity of such shenanigans distract and threaten to suck us in, where we resist or assist in creating our own living nightmare realities through fear, reactivity, superficiality and negative thinking. 3 can increase such behavior this year, but there is more opportunity to become aware of it in ourselves.

The 3rd solar plexus chakra and color yellow, are about intellect and as 3 is also an emotional number, this refers to emotional intelligence, seated in the power center of intuition and “gut feelings”. The opposite of this would be a disconnection from the self and the reality of spiritual intelligence. One potential shadow example would be the rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence, the brainchild of scientists, who officially founded the field and coined the term in 1956. Coincidentally (or not), 1956 was a 3 universal year. We can expect to see A.I. heavily discussed and debated in this year and elevated by some without a doubt. The chance of misuse with this technology is high as a result of shadow elements that will bring ignorant, mindless, impulsive mistakes and, if not too late, the opportunity to correct them.

Good News

3 speaks to the heart of our identity, beyond the one we each developed through our childhood as well as the one that has been pushed around since then by our environmental (not to mention, karmic) conditioning. At the macro and micro levels, 3 energy assists us in finding our true self, our authentic voice toward discovering not only who we really are, as individuals, Americans and humans but what we truly want in life.  As our individual dreams manifest our reality, we all stand to benefit and change from the strongest and most positive visions from each of us.

If we wish to become responsible Earth or galactic citizens, the number 3 holds the space for existing in the authentic love and respect for all life, expressed in joy.  The new energy this brings, can shift life as we know it in miraculous ways through shared visions. Like the presence of a sacred or holy trinity, or the inherent strength in the wholeness of any triune completion, the power of 3 in its essence, by virtue of its cyclical presence, nested in the timely shift of greater, prophetic cycles, presents us with enormous opportunities for improving and strengthening our lives, if we but see and take hold of them.

The energy of 3 invites us to be more social and therefore societies are formed, broken or reformed in a 3 universal year. 3 this year will bring innovative insights and revelations about social networks and a greater focus on and support for democratic socialism. Free speech, under the influence of the number 3, and the words we use, become more critically important.  Word!  The number 3 is about the proliferation of words and creative self-expression. We talk a lot, but what are we trying to say? Telepathic abilities will be enhanced from such questions and talk radio will enjoy an upgrade with intelligent, relevant content and verbal flow toward expressing greater authenticity and contrasting with critical lies and “fake news”.

3 brings an aliveness that reminds us of our desire to enjoy living, to improve and expand a new way of life, with new intentions seeded in 2017 in our 1 universal year. Americans this year will be more focused on general improvement and especially regarding higher morality and the well being of children.  Gifted children and young people will be the teachers this year with their new visions of what is to come and surprising wisdom about how to get there.  Imagination will produce new interests and ideas that inspire sweeping changes for improvement in systems and industries of all stripes. There will be effort toward improving morale, our self esteem and the image of our country in the eyes of the world. The arts, especially in writing, singing or acting, gain new depths of authentic expression, more deeply touching and inspiring others.

 3 inspires the creative expression of our true essence and urges us to take personal responsibility for the reality we have and are creating to assist us in aligning purposefully with this time of rapid and radical change as well as with our greater dimensions.

 The Upshot

When we entered the 2000s, we entered the 3rd millennium, the millennium of the New Being. 2019, as a 3 universal year, presents the opportunity for us to grow in awareness about the higher potential of being human.  The new energy represented by the number 3 this year provides the impetus to explore the power in humans with awareness of our selves as Individual, Higher Self and Infinite Being.  This triune connection creates opportunity for sharing in the abundance and wisdom in cooperation with life in all its dimensions.

3 is a fiery number, full of electrical energy! It is responsive and intuitive and above all, expressive. The imagination, inspiration and power of dreaming in the number 3 in this year fosters the opportunity to envision a new world and consciously dream it into reality by invoking our inner light, by regularly finding and expressing our joy in all the little things that bring love and light to ourselves and others and connecting with what is genuinely good in and around us.

As these things are only temporarily found from seeking them in the external but are eternally accessible within us, living our love of life from within becomes the only way to real and lasting change in the world. Like the energy of Spring, full of new life, with child-like vitality that is fresh and greening with promise for what is to come, 3 inspires us to be hopeful about the future by participating with our inner knowing, gratitude and joy in the present. It begins with ending the war with ourselves.

Called by Mark Twain “mankind’s greatest blessing”, a sense of humor seems truly a gift given to humanity. A Sense of humor is indicative of a capability for inner joy and is often referred to as the saving grace in the darkest of times. The song Always Look on the Bright Side of Life by Terry Gilliam from Monty Python reminds us to laugh at ourselves while acknowledging the most grave aspect of embodiment. Nothing short of radical optimism is called for in this year.

Yet, rather than pursuing happiness, if we embody happiness in our thoughts, feelings and actions, we can make our own happy at will by living it as if the option were completely ours in every moment. Loving life from the lived experience of suffering and joy in acceptance and understanding is what empowers the visions we hold. For, indeed…

We Are the World…

 When we negate our own worth, we destroy our will for dreaming.

When we negate our dreams, we destroy the world.

The past thousand year cycle, dominated by the number 1 of the patriarchal 1000s, is over. Conscious attunement and activation in life are all that remain for the realization and actualization of this global shift in consciousness. The new millennium of the 2000s is bringing more awareness to the integration reality of conscious relationship with all Life, rather than the separation mentality of individualism in the old paradigm of I that created us vs. them. This is the millennium of I and We and in this time of new vision, of dreaming the dream awake, we can heal the fragmentation that prevents our coming together in Unity, Love and Joy.

In this new paradigm of the 3rd millennium and in this 3 year we can recognize the power of

Our creative imagination as we experience the elation and expression of our ecstatic inner being without seeking it outside of ourselves. This year, Self-Love means it is up to every individual to recognize the Light that exits in all within themselves and love that into being. Taking positive action for what we want, rather than only fighting against what we don’t is what it means to thrive and it is powerful beyond measure. The time of new vision for a better life is now. The dreams of this year will become the practical realities of 2020 and beyond. So, dream in a big way—connected, soulful and loving, with the light of joy and all the heart and enthusiasm you can muster.

Candice Powers

January 2019


A Master Number 112 Universal Year 

2018 = 11-2 (2+0+1+8 = 11, 1+1 = 2)

Oh, women of the world!

Teach us how to be harmonious, teach us how to receive inner guidance,

Teach us how to peacefully relate with our differences,

 Teach us how to love, unconditionally. Teach us how to dance.

2018 is the year of Mastering Right Relationships, Global Networking and Women Rising. 11-2 is about Visionaries, Peacemakers, Inspiration and Interconnectedness in the Millennium of We. It is the second year in the new nine year, universal cycle that began in 2017, a 1 universal year.

2018 is a dual year because it carries the energy and meaning of both the master number 11 (2+0+1+8) and its single digit sum, the number 2 (1+1). Master numbers carry the higher level energy of their single digit sums (base numbers). We are therefore in the energy this year of both the 11 and the 2.

2 represents the feminine archetype qualities with keywords like patience,co-operation, consideration of others and inner peace. It is called the Peacemaker, Diplomat, Companion and Networker. 2 brings people together in teams and partnerships. The energy is emotional, spiritual and relational, sensitive and receptive. Generally, under the influence of 2, people more readily render aid. They are more inclined to offer reassurance and comfort in the time of need. With the presence of 2 energy, there is increased interest and desire to connect with others, share ideas, socialize and work together in co-creative endeavors with intention for peaceful agreement or diplomatic social reform. It will be a busy year of purposeful gatherings.

Yet, we can see the other side of 2 in the deeply dividing contentions currently present in the U.S. that are polarizing the nation over a number of issues. Shadow elements of this number to be aware of include us and them mentality, pettiness, shaming and blaming, denial and passive aggression. Under 2 energy, we can be pessimistic and critical, vacillating and indecisive, or reactive, separating and dividing, both insensitive and oversensitive.  At the same time, the 2 influence offers opportunity to bridge the divide. Experiences this year illuminate the intrapersonal mirror of the dual aspects in our self-awareness and self-care, in our judgments, reaction patterns, sensitivities, morals and values, if we dare to look. Compassionate consideration of the self is directly related to increased ability for considering others and the creation of a peaceful, integrated society.

The potential for greater understanding of the true purpose of this cycle, begun in 2017, is present in the voices of the popular vote for equality, civil

rights and peace; for a life without unchecked violence and war, in protests and an outcry that are being heard around the world. We are compelled in this year to actively work toward unity through a truer understanding of interdependence and cooperation for the greater good. Boundaries that define higher truth and Love for improving humanity will be firm and evident.

Good things may come to those who wait and patience is a virtue, but under the influence of the 11-2, waiting is not inertia, vacillation, indecision or keeping quiet, it is the ebb before the flow, the calm before the storm. Patience in 11-2 is about accessing the wisdom of right action in right timing. 

2018 is the year of women, to be sure. Combined with the new millennium of We and 2 energy (the 2000s), we will see women rising on every front in society. We will become more aware of the strength of women as wisdom keepers, who nurture the development of peaceful means and lead through cooperative efforts for meaningful connections; women who demonstrate a new understanding of interdependence and integration in the co-creative relationship; women who will be acknowledged and supported by clear minded, strong hearted, integrated men, as well as other women.  Record numbers of women will also be running for office this year and many will win, yet, potential for political change is just a part of what this year offers.

“Another man’s floor”, as atop “One man’s ceiling” these days could be, relatively speaking, ‘another woman’s planet’, but to understand relativity, it isn’t necessary to have a degree in physics or travel to the other end of the earth to experience the effect of a butterfly flapping its wings in Texas. Anyone can consciously access interrelatedness right where they are, perhaps in their neighborhood or in their house, or in the molecules of their own body.  Right relationship can mean that whether accessing the masculine or feminine qualities co-existing within the self, those qualities can be related to and/or expressed in right timing as needed, without judgment, and thereby transcend the need for validation of either. Response vs reaction here means relating responsibly to what’s happening in the self at any time, in any situation.

We are surprisingly emotional this year. We notice unexpected emotional responses from those previously seen as less expressive. Men and women everywhere will be responding publicly with emotional intensity to moral injustice and imbalance in society and the world will take note. We may feel more sensitive, open and vulnerable in the relational qualities of the 11-2, more receptive and empathetic and yet the essence of these qualities is strength rather than weakness. At the same time, expanding consciousness in awareness needs consistent balancing. It is advisable to tend to personal sensitivities with caring compassion and welcoming aliveness, while being mindful of any tendencies toward co-dependency, victimization or martyrdom arising from oversensitivity or insecurity.

In this new time, receptivity and relativity are paramount. The presence of the 2 archetype enhances the capacity to see both sides of things toward successful negotiation, arbitration and peaceful resolution. 2 supports developing right relationships with everything from people to paradigms, with a millennial twist.

We cannot escape the dance of duality under the tutelage of 2 energy in this new millennium of the 2000s. The potential for division and polarity always exists, yet transmutation through integration would transform our existence. In 2018, through the 11-2, we can understand something about integration by observing the relationship of darkness and Light. Even when a light is switched on and the darkness disappears, we can learn something more about the dynamic of this relationship. The night cannot withstand the brilliance of the emerging dawn because the darkness has no actual substance of its own, it is merely the absence of the sun’s light, which is ever present, only appearing to be temporarily elsewhere. In the presence of the sun, the darkness of the shadow is in reality nothing more than a testimony to the brightness of the Light.  It is this integrated contrast, this dance of Light and darkness, that reminds us to rightly see the Light as our Reality while keeping the dark in its proper perspective as the absence of Light, an abstraction of spirit in form.

The Light of higher consciousness shines brightly this year and is available in the energy of the number 11-2, as the number 11 takes everything about the 2 to an inspired level.

The synchronistic presence of 11:11 in any instance can be both a reminder of the awareness of spiritual connection and a call to action from the higher Self. The self and the higher Self in right relationship are like two pillars supporting the same roof of unity consciousness as direct knowing and right action. 11 provides powerful opportunities and encourages our better natures, individually and universally, through higher ideals to serve the greater good. The high voltage energy of the 11 in the unaware easily falls into the negative, and can be explosive and revengeful. Shadow elements of 11 include self-righteous elitism and fanaticism; inspirational power used harmfully; over-reaction to criticism, and attacks on dissimilar viewpoints. Honest, non-judgmental mirror gazing, periodically, is highly recommended.

The 11 is called the Light Bearer or Light Worker and the Spiritual Master. The zeal and idealism inherent in the master number 11 encourages higher psychological and philosophical thought toward the upliftment of heart and soul. The numinous interaction of two fiery, masculine, electrical, creative 1s with the open, relational and loving 2 is a cosmic, dynamic relationship of higher Love in unity.  11-2 illuminates the interconnectedness of all things in existence with spiritual dimensions and with this energy, we can relate to the highest good in all. Evidence of this will be seen around the globe in 2018

Visionary artists, teachers, healers and leaders will be more visible or appear in greater numbers with refined senses and enlightened ways for improving conditions. Business can be improved with better conditions by resolutions to put them on a more altruistic basis for the betterment of mankind with greater potentials to progress into the future.

A new world of interconnection, mutuality and interdependence, of kindness, empathy and Love is here and more available than ever. It awaits our awareness, acknowledgment and willing participation.

The energetic field of Unity Consciousness enriches the mystical 11 for greater contact and relationship with ‘Other’ in phenomenology for higher awareness of the self, with opportunity to develop empathic connections, emotional intelligence and heightened psychic attunement. It is a good time to develop spiritual gifts from the universe on the inner planes. Right timing and right action for the opening of interdimensional portals are intuitively revealed. Many will awaken to a new Reality within and an increased number of highly gifted, unusual children will be born or awakened this year.

11-2 is the archetype of the Cosmic Peacemaker, appearing once in each of nine decades in this century, who invites us all to shine the light of love and inspiration, to illuminate the truth of humanity through receptivity and revelation, in the spirit of cooperation for the co-creation of a New Being. May we heed the call.

Reality is nothing if not an interconnected network of Life and its movements. Like the temporal relationships of rhythm, melody and harmony in music, 112 is about relating in right timing and timing is everything, so let us not march to war, let’s listen to the music and dance!

Candice Powers

February 2018


(2+0+1+7 = 10, 1+0 =1),

A Universal Number 1 Year of New Beginnings

1: New, First, Original, Leadership, Creative Thought, Courage, Will, Determination

A fresh start. 2017 as a 1 universal year will determine the quality of our new beginnings both in the US and the world that will influence the next nine years. The number 1 not only offers momentum energy to begin a new nine year cycle, but the strongest intention set in that beginning year will also be carried through every year of the entire cycle until its completion.We are currently in such tumultuous times that it bears looking into more of the cycles turning our world, particularly in the US, to discover and understand as much as we can about the strange waters we now find ourselves in. The picture of what’s potentially ahead gets much clearer when we look a bit further back into our history along with considering the new history we are already writing since the new millennium began.

1s, 8s, 9s and 2s – what can I tell you?

This paper, more than a reading for the year, is a research study of current cycles and the numbers they carry. The numbers 1, 8, 9 and 2 came up repeatedly and are not only major players in these times, but describe a shift from the material to the spiritual and higher consciousness. Even election day in the US, a little surprise discovery after all research was done, shows this trend in its number that cycle through the time periods of the day.  For the universal day number, 11 – 8 – 2019  breaks down to  2 (1+1) – 8 – 9 (2+0+1+6). Then 2+8+9 = 19, 1+9 = 10, 1+0 = 12+8+9 = 1. November 8 is a 1 universal day.

Further addition of these numbers for the 8 hour time periods show:

12am – 8am = 1, 8am – 4pm = 8, 4pm – 12am = 9, and from 12am – 8am on Nov. 9, we have again a 2. The progression early in the day of 1 and 8, to 9 and 2 in the latter part suggest this progression from the masculine material (1, 8) to the feminine spiritual (2, 9) and this progression is evident throughout our recent history as you will discover in this writing. If I were to read the day, I would say that there will be anger and resentment, perhaps violence, though mental control and management is possible in the early day from both individuals and groups, and that from 4:00 on emotional feelings of loss, disappointment and completion that could make mental control less easy and create considerable chaos for some. Yet, a sense of unity, though subtle, will also be present.

2016 as an election year in the US and a 9 universal year (2+0+1+6 = 9) not only completes the second term of the current president, it will complete a nine year cycle that began with the first election in 2008 (please see last year’s reading for 2016 attached). The changes America is personally undergoing currently within the universal world cycles means we, as Americans, have important decisions to make in the coming year about not only our future in this country, but as universal citizens.  

The table below provides the cycles operating in 2017 and the calculated numbers currently governing those cycles, and because we are taking on many cycles for this reading, I’ve included a brief description of the cycles involved.

United States Personal  2017 Cycles    

World Universal  2017 Cycles

US Personal Year Number: 3 (7+4+2017=21, 2+1=3)     

Universal Year Number: 1 (2+0+1+7=10, 1+0 =1)

Opportunity/Challenge: 11-2/3             

Millennial Number: 2 (2+0+0+0 =2)

Personal Directive for US (PD): 9 (27th)                                      

Major Directive  for World (MD): 9 (225th)

Outlines of the cycles to be discussed:

Personal and Universal Year cycles are the current calendar years within their respective current nine year cycles. The personal year cycle includes the month and day of origination, in the case of the US the 4th of July, added to the current year. The universal year reflects the number of the calendar year alone.

Millennial current thousand year cycle for the world (including the US)

Major and Personal Directive cycles are nine year universal (world) major directive cycles (MD) and personal directive cycles (PD) for the US, which count how many nine year cycles we have had since the inception of the Julian/Gregorian calendar in use today (universal) and since the birth of the US in 1776 (personal).

Opportunity/Challenge cycles can only be shown on the personal level for the US as the month and day of the origin of our current calendar cannot be verified.

What follows is an interpretation of the numbers as archetypal qualities of energy in their cycles influencing the US and the world.

2016, as of this writing in October, will complete the last year in our current universal nine year MD cycle influencing the world, which is the 224th nine year MD cycle since the beginning of our current Gregorian calendar that began in the year CE 1.   224 reduces by addition (2+2+4) to 8, which is the number of the material world of power, position and authority, judgment and the law, commerce, politics and money. It is a mental number ruling executive function, decision making, psychology and philosophy.

As an MD cycle, this 8 energy has been an undercurrent force in the world of commerce and business, influencing corporations and individuals alike. This particular cycle of 8 energy began in 2008 (2+0+0+8 = 1). 2008 was a significant year of firsts for the U.S. and the world with the election of Barack Obama, as well as the financial crisis prompting the bailout of the banks. It’s cycle will end in 2016 (2+0+1+6 = 9), on December 31st.

One of the strongest memes or intentions for this universal cycle was that of ‘hope and change’ set forth in 2008, which was initially embraced by many in the world with the hope of a change in the old order, initiated in the 1980s, due to the crushing inequality of justice and wealth distribution reaching untenable proportions. However, because the 8 influence of power, money, corporate expansion, authority and the law were areas of focus for the intended changes set up at the beginning of the cycle, those already in positions of power were universally supported in that environment to further manipulate and change the political and socioeconomic systems for their own gain.

Judging from the results, the changes hoped for by the many were not the changes intended by the governing powers in the US and elsewhere in the world.  Another influencing factor was the PD cycle for the US in play from 2001-2010 that also carried 8 energy, adding strength and ambition for power and authority to the war efforts of 2003 and beyond.  The 8 PD cycle for the US overlapped with the universal 8 MD that began in 2008 by two years, increasing that energy, which could help to explain the housing bubble collapse, the financial crisis and the bank bailouts during that time. 2010 ended the 8 PD cycle for the US but the universal MD cycle of 8 marched on and is still in play until the end of this year. You could say that one way or another, both the world and the US have been steadily influenced by 8 energy from 2001 to the present day in 2016 and we have seen the country divided and polarized due to the errors in material and political judgment so characteristic of the 8, as well as the advent of 2 energy since 2000 (more on that later). As 8 corresponds with Mars energy in astrology, the evidence of 8 can be clearly recognized without having to delineate its myriad manifestations of power seeking, greed, abuses of authority, war and corruption in money institutions, corporations, laws and governments that greatly increased over the past fifteen years all over the world.

However, a little twist in the prevailing winds that gave the world a modicum of hope occurred in 2011 with the new PD cycle for the US of 9 energy. The number 9 is the number of endings and completion. So what ended in that beginning year of 9 energy in 2011? Two instances of note for our purposes were the death of Osama bin Laden, killed in May, officially ending that search, followed in December by the end of The Iraq war, which started in 2003 as an extension of intentions set in 2001 by the US.  These endings seemed to indicate good changes ahead, though they were overshadowed by the ongoing terrorist activities and war related atrocities in the universal 8 energy that seemed would never end. However, it is important to note the number 9 is also the number of completion as unity. 9 is the sum total of all the single digit numbers 1 – 9 added together. It represents the all in all, the alpha and the omega, the full circle and therefore offers unlimited opportunities for loss or gain. For every door closed another opens. 9  is about completion as the last number of attainment in the 3 – 6 – 9  triune cycle of human development, representing universal, unconditional, self-less love, forgiveness, compassion and brotherhood. An undercurrent stirring of unity awareness has been quietly visible since 2011 in women’s rights groups, the expansion of animal rights organizations, child/women trafficking exposure, wikileaks efforts, political watchdog groups and ethnic rights uprisings, to name a few. 9 is also the number of reform.

It seems fitting then, that in 2016, a 9 universal year and the last year of the universal MD cycle of 8, along with the energy of 9 started in the US in 2011, that we began to witness more of these other 9 qualities of energy as well, as in the never before experienced unity at Standing Rock, North Dakota that brought ninety Native American tribes together in solidarity to protect the land and water and bring an end to the oppression and domination of the fossil fuel industry. Furthermore, the unity and solidarity has been world wide with people from many countries responding to the call.  However, as we are still in the 8 MD, the power struggles with the pipeline companies will likely continue through the end of the year, but these and other similar events predict the trend about to be set.

The nine year cycle of 9 for the US, that began in 2011 will end in 2020.  However, in 2017, a 1 universal year (2+0+1+7 = 10, 1+0 = 1), the world begins a new nine year MD cycle, the 225th, which is 9 (2+2+5).  The 9 energy of this cycle will last until 2025. This means that beginning next year, the US and the world will both be influenced by 9 energy, effectively doubling the influencing power of that number until 2020, and then we will continue to be in 9 energy for another five years.  

Additionally, there are two new doors that have already opened to assist us as never before in the past two millennia.

The first, the millennial cycle change from the masculine 1 (established in the year 1000) to 2 energy in the year 2000 was undoubtedly the single most significant cycle change to ever occur in recorded history. The year 2000 established the rise of the feminine, relational qualities of cooperation, consideration for others and integration for this entire new millennium cycle. This was a huge shift in energy, so huge that it seemed to go right over the heads of some, and threatened the daylights out of others. The density of physical form makes adjustment to an energetic shift of such magnitude difficult at best and dangerous in the extreme.  Being still so close to the threshold crossing is like experiencing an undetermined extension of a triple critical day on the midline of a biorhythm chart: Safe to stay home? Safe to go out? Though news of a more feminine age has increased since 2000 the effort to define what that actually means has been problematic, even for women. Trying to describe the shift is like telling men and women they are neither men nor women, that our DNA is being so thoroughly rearranged as to be completely unrecognizable, that the masculine way of life has already gone the way of the dinosaur and has been replaced by something new, totally unfamiliar and as yet undetected, neither masculine nor feminine, we just haven’t yet caught the drift. Chaos ensues. A subconscious awareness of entering unknown territory might explain pushing the panic button resulting in the 9-11 events and aftermath in the first year after the crossing as a desperate move to thwart the rapidly encroaching entropy upon us. The truth is likely somewhere closer to a blinding fear and resistance to the integration of the masculine and feminine within each of us as the start of a new multidimensional existence perhaps beyond our imagination.

The initial rise of masculine energy through the number 1 was energetically reinforced with the first millennium, which, as the first, energetically carried the 1 vibration, giving a thousand year boost of 1 energy from year 1 so that by the time we reached the year 1000, masculine energy was already on the rise to be then fully expressed thereafter.  The repetition of daily writing the number 1 as the first number of every calendar year date since the year 1000 through the end of the millennium further reinforced the energetic, psychological impact and lived expression of the number 1 as basically left brain dominant existence in both men and women.  

As the second millennium, the feminine also began its slow ascent into awareness but was still heavily impeded by the reinforced 1 energy, which succeeded in the creation of patriarchal societies as the dominant rule. So, all those born in the second millennium, were strongly susceptible to being conditioned by the patriarchal model until the year 2000.

The second door to open in our favor, is the personal opportunity/challenge cycle in the US that fully shifted from a 1/4 to an 11-2/3 in 2015. For context, the 1/4  O/C began in 2005 and ended in 2014. The opportunity in that cycle for the US was about number 1 force and initiative, executive ability for moving forward independently with courage in leadership to renew and improve the human condition. The challenge of 4 with a 1 opportunity is to balance the tendency to engage in stubborn, headstrong or egoic, rigid control with consistent, steady, principled effort for laying foundations and forms that sustain life; to build and serve by honoring process and protocol, to structure organizations with integrity and dependability. 

We can be sure from the history that both the positive and negative aspects of these numbers were being employed during that time, but because of the negative influences of the 8 MD and PD cycles also in operation, the result of entropy since crossing the millennial threshold, the negative aspects of ambition for power at all costs, ego centrism, willful, self-serving aggression, manipulation, dogmatic control and rule by domination with this combination were assured. Yet the silver lining in those dark clouds had already begun to generate with our entrance into the new millennium.

Enter the Millennials

So, now what, now that we’re here in this time of discontent, hatred and dissent present in both men and women nearly to the point of a second civil war? There are no easy answers, but perhaps the split is due, again, to a resistance against the inevitable integration of spirit and matter ascending since the threshold crossing. 

Though we are not yet seeing the evidence of crossing the millennial threshold more definitively, it is because the vestiges of the old paradigm in our awareness are still in the process of being cleared out. The new generations of millennials have the new awareness inherent within them. They are and will be among the first to demonstrate it in the coming years, and now that the 8 energy is out by the end of this year and the 9 PD  energy in the US gets doubled next year by the new 9 MD cycle, it will start to happen more if we use the 1 energy of 2017 to intend that and assist them throughout the cycle.

As the second millennium saw the rise of women in basically its last century, the transition into the 3rd millennium was preparatory for the year 2000 and beyond as we prepared for the possibility of a woman U.S. president in the second decade. And yes, I have done the charts for Hilary, Donald and Bernie. All I can tell you right now is that Hilary’s numbers show she is destined to serve and love the world unconditionally through great personal sacrifice, Donald’s chart describes a destructive, rabble rousing instigator on a mission, like a jack hammer in the hands of God, to destroy the status quo and Bernie looks for all the world like a liberator, a way shower, a gateway for truth.

The reason we are behind the rest of the world in this political endeavor is because the U.S. is heavily steeped in the number 1. It bears mentioning here that 1 is the number archetype of the self, as in individuality and independence. Both the soul number and the destiny number of the US are also 1, and the 1 energy in the past nine year O/C cycle of 1/4 from 2005 to 2014 made it tripled, as if in spite of the feminine 2 energy on the rise. In fact the concentration of 1 energy, echoing the old paradigm in the world of this density in physical form, and resistance to the realization of the fact has been predictably intense, assuring the shift in awareness will not happen overnight.  

But hold on, here. That second door mentioned a while ago? The O/C shift from 1/4 to 11-2/3? Yes, that’s another shift from 1 to 2 for the US, and a master number 2 to boot. 11 is the higher octave, the master level energy of its lower digit sum, the number 2 (1+1 = 2). The master level of the 2 is called the Light Bearer, the Spiritual Master, because while 2 is about relationship, sensitivity and receptivity, 11 is all that on a higher, energetic level. 11 receives the high octane, rarified frequencies of the illuminated, inspirational order of being and seeks a spiritual, artistic or higher education outlet to bring it through. The 3 challenge guards against not being authentic while inspiring self-love, self-acceptance and creative self-expression. This union brings the need for new decisions and intuitive sharing based on the reception of numinous, inspired information. Combined with the 9 universal energy of unconditional love and humanitarian unity, these are the makings of a new renaissance period in our history.

What about all that 9 energy?

Nine years of 9 energy, four of them doubled in 9, may seem that we are in for a lot of endings and completions, with some probable losses, and in fact, the last nine year PD cycle of 9 experienced in the US began in 1930 and ended in 1939. Right, those were the great depression years. However, and this is a big however, that cycle coincided with an O/C 1/4 cycle from 1933 – 1942, just like the 2005 – 2014 one we ended two years ago, which also carried our PD cycle of 9 energy from 2011 on. New growth has certainly been slow since 2011, but we avoided a major crash, largely due, in all probability to the feminine 2 energy of interconnection, cooperation and sharing that represents this new millennium, and the millennials. Additionally, as of last year, we are now in the O/C of 11-2/3 which, again, in combination with the 9 could produce a new renaissance, but undoubtedly offers a much better environment for the development of cooperation, unity consciousness, connection and integration through the endings, completions and losses rather than allowing them to separate us. It is helpful to remember that because 9 is ultimately the number of universal love, the completion aspect of 9 ends all that is not love, no longer serves our higher growth, or has reached its natural conclusion in a cycle.

As for 2017, the good news there is we are certainly more aware now of what we don’t want, of what no longer serves the greater good, and we can begin the process of completing and letting go of old paradigm energy to prepare for the new way forward. 1 is a number of action, a mental number of courage, will, intelligence and daring to invent and create with dynamic force and energy. If we use the 1 energy to discover the best direction for the new cycle, make the decision and begin to move forward, the 9 MD and 9 PD cycles will allow us to clean house and let go. 2017 will provide the new inspiration and opportunities to set our sites more directly upon what it is we want to release, complete or resolve in order to follow the new direction we wish to initiate. Furthermore, the 11-2 can open our intuitive perceptions, while the 2 millennium will assist in steadily increasing our interconnectedness and integration and the 9, well, revolutionary love.

We are clearly in a new age, a new era in which a new world order is developing through the completion of the old order, a clearing of the deck to make way for the new. The meaning of that means different things to different people. Old habits die hard and letting go of a thousand years of more or less masculine rule and separative ways would be beyond difficult. For some it may be the long awaited and welcomed matter of course, but for others it may seem terrifying and, for still others, impossible.  For the latter, the residual resistance will continue to create distorted versions of the new reality from their limited perspective. However, as the shift has already occurred, theirs will not endure. Like a few out of tune instruments in an orchestra, they will be eventually brought around to renewed resonance or simply drowned out by the resounding harmonic din of those in joyful alignment with the beauty of the Music in a ground swell of universal Love.

Candice Powers

November 7, 2016


                                                                                           (2+0+1+5 = 8)   

An Eight Universal Year of Power

Action for Manifesting Change

“In the present circumstances, no one can afford to assume that someone else will solve their problems. Every individual has a responsibility to help guide our global family in the right direction. Good wishes are not sufficient; we must become actively engaged.”

                                                                 ~ His Holiness the Dalai Lhama    The Path to Tranquility:  Daily Wisdom

It’s Harvest time. 2015 marks the eighth year of our current, universal, nine year cycle that began in 2008 (2+0+0+8 = 10, 1+0 = 1), giving this year the energetic signature of the number 8 (2+0+1+5 = 8). The eighth year of any nine year cycle is a rebirth of the first year’s intention.  Like the expanded growth of a matured tree, 2015 will yield its fruits from seeds planted eight years ago. 

We began our new universal cycle of intention in 2008 and the intention seeded in that first year set the tone and momentum of growth and progress in every year after for the entire cycle.  The universal, collective intention with the most energetic strength in 2008 was, undoubtedly, the one for hope and change set by Barack Obama, which deeply stirred the hearts and minds of people on a global level, gaining significant support and allegiance at home and abroad. However, change at the magnitude envisioned has been no easy task and those who oppose it will dig their heels in even deeper this year.

The ambitious 8 is a number of manifesting action on the material plane and it means big business.  8 is the number archetype of power and efficiency for expanding goals and ambitions with position and authority. The 8 archetype is seen in those who organize, manage, supervise, direct and control, whether on a personal level, in business or in the larger arenas of judicial legislation. The mental power of the 8 can be seen in government, law and politics, in intelligence service and information gathering fields, as well as in military strength and strategy and in the executive decisions and actions of large corporations. 

This year will see big changes in the rules and regulations of acquisition in the world of money, enterprise and global financing due in large part to greater awareness and the cooperative efforts of the larger populations.  In June, transformational fires will be lit in the spine of the world for change, though the direction will be debated, exposing hidden agendas. The existing power structures and the way power is used will be under greater scrutiny. With an increase in the demand for accountability in government and law enforcement and a general coming to terms with those in authority, we will see an upsurge of controversy in publications, events and media coverage for social justice and equality.  Military might and reach will expand in July, most noticeably from the US, against popular demand, though August can bring enlightened conclusions.  September brings broad awareness of a new power with new decisions for new beginnings. New available energy resources, new environmental protection mandates and advances in science, health and education will emerge with new strength. October sees breaks in association from the US with the completion of an established order regarding worldwide corporate structures. Long held dreams and visions will have power to manifest with the implementation of better ways and means for efficiently improving the workings of our world, following the intentions set in the year 2008.

The strength and influence of the 8 archetype has gained a dominant foothold, contributing to the entrenched power corruption for another reason. We can here consider  the larger, major directive cycle involved, influencing corporate elites, big banks and  politicians in secret government deals, who resist exposure and fight change and progress and who are currently being judged in this cycle.

While 2015 carries the energetic force of the number 8, as the eighth year of the current nine year cycle, it is also useful to understand that the entire nine year cycle begun in 2008 is the 224th nine year cycle, a the major directive cycle that began in the first year of our Julian/Gregorian calendar.  This major directive cycle is also represented by the energetic force of 8 (2+2+4= 8), meaning everything having to do with expanding and manifesting power, position and authority on the material plane has been the consistent direction and focus since 2008. That materialistic direction, increasing in intensity on a global scale, amplifies the strength and power of 8 this year, on both sides of the question, reminding us, in no uncertain terms, about what the world in 2008 was intent on changing, as well as what is likely to manifest in 2015.

The Challenge

The mental power awakened by the 8 archetype is intense, direct and efficient in its natural inclination to manifest material goals. If the goal is the acquisition of power, wealth, property or status, or any other item of necessary material achievement, you can be sure that under the influence of 8 no time will be wasted with trivialities or obstacles to act directly to accomplish it. However, misinterpreted, misused and abused, 8 is the stuff of wars and dictatorships, at most, with everything in the least between ruthless, unethical large scale business practices to mindless and heartless domination and manipulation of others on personal levels.

On the darker side of the 8, power struggles, increased violence and unjust attempts by financial institutions and corporations to manipulate the law have strengthened their grip since 2008. Fear, greed and ambition continue to manifest resistance to change in the creation of programs and laws that tighten control and increase power and profit through furthering division and separation. 2015 will see increased evidence of these behaviors. Due to the over-intensification of 8 energy, evidence of power imbalance and extremism around the world is maximizing. Furthermore, while we and the world are cycling through this universal 8 energy, the additional, personal year number for the United States is 1, which means the beginning of a new cycle. This is a critical time for the US as the intention set and action taken in this year will take the next eight years to complete. The magnitude of the implications loomed so large in importance, I have written a separate paper about it.

However, because we have crossed a new millennial threshold, these factions, though fierce in their efforts, represent stubborn opposition to change.  The intensified movements for control, contrary to appearances, are in fact desperate acts in the death throes of the lingering old paradigm, still casting long shadows, but whose strength and effect will inevitably diminish over time. The out of hiding evidence of corruption in the material world of money and power in the past seven years, beginning with the bailing out of the banks, collapse of the subprime mortgage market and the resulting global financial crisis, along with increased terrorism and war have been prompting and guiding the social agents of change empowered in 2008 with that intention.

Since 2000, we have not only been waking up more to the shadow side of our manifesting power, building in evidence since the 80s (another decade with consistent 8 energy) to now unbearable levels, but the parallel impact of our increasing awareness will finally begin to show its strength in this year. The intention of this 2008 cycle for hope and change is now manifesting through wisdom gained and prepared actions that will bring a course correction for balance through co-creation and integration. An example is the fruition of efforts to end the use of fossil fuels, aided by increasing awareness and evidence of climate change. However, balance is a fine line we walk in these days.

Manifesting the Vision

The good news is, in truth, 8 represents a balance of masculine and feminine and acts as a bridge between the spiritual and material worlds. It is the balancing frequency of 8 energy that makes us capable of expressing the celestial in material form, while separating the two can bring sorrow and destruction, heaven and hell.

Crossing the millennial threshold in the year 2000 established the consistency of feminine, co-creative, collaborative and integrative energy in the world, represented by the number 2, as it has been written every day in every year date printed since that year and will continue to be until the end of this millennium. The 8 energy of 2015 is therefore assisted by the energy of 2 to bring the expression of its full manifesting power through connection and cooperation. The pendulum of time is swinging back toward a balance between opposites and therefore heralding a new age of spiritual and material integration in all aspects of being.

All the citizens of the Earth and the Earth itself, are undergoing a major transformation, promised by the cyclical precessions of the ages as understood and described by the sages, oracles, scribes and experiencers of the times. If  “All the world is a stage,” they have revealed countless times that a higher consciousness is directing the play, but that the success of the performance depends upon the actors and the decisions they make.

The mental 8 represents the higher aspects of psychology, philosophy and wisdom in the possibilities of its expression, however, it is not a number for dreaming.  8  is designed for action, with intelligence drawn from the intuition of higher mind, to guide humanity through responsible authority by providing knowledge, supervision and stability to empower and manifest the visions of all so that growth and progress may be even greater than before.

What we decide now, individually, as well as how, where and when we each choose to act in 2015, will determine the collective strength of our ability to manifest long held dreams for positive change and transformation in the name of achieving the highest goals for a peaceful, self-sustaining humanity. Right relationship with power is key to our successful transformation all year and the latter half of the year will show a potent turn of events. The connection of many in cooperative efforts will show universal results in October and November will show a new trend of events for governing in the world.

The 8 energy in 2015 for rebirthing the original intention set in 2008 will assist the world by further highlighting and manifesting the details of what needs to be changed as it empowers those with a higher vision for humanity that favors the many along with the few and community over strictly self-serving individualism. Things may look bleaker than ever as more injustices and atrocities come to visible light, but like all things of darkness, they will not withstand it. If we stay with the original feeling of excitement generated in 2008 that intended the positive change we envisioned, how much better our ability to complete the task now that we more clearly see what needs to be done?

Candice Powers



                                                                                     A Universal 7 Year

                                                                                          (2+0+1+4 = 7)

The Truth Hidden and Revealed

Spiritual, Material Wisdom and Mystery

“Jericho’s walls fell on the seventh day after seven priests with seven ram’s horns marched around the city seven times.” (Joshua 6:7)

Seven is the number of the hidden, the veiled, the mysteries of life and speaks to that within us. In this quickening time of shifting consciousness, this year beckons us to journey within, to find the treasure of higher potential hidden there. We are thinking differently, interested in altogether different things this year, while finding ourselves losing interest in the same old normal ways of going about our lives. Like the Nine, Seven is also a cycle ending vibration, but unlike Nine, which resolves naturally at the end of the cycle, Seven ends unexpectedly, like a seven month birth, which is viable, but considered premature. The divulgence of Seven’s secrets and treasures is therefore mysterious and must be discerned, discovered and revealed with special, inner means. That which is not apparent must be sought after with intelligence and intuition. It must be craftily detected by sensing and feeling into with a calm and discerning mind. We will have to view life from a new angle. The sound of spiritual excellence and the perfection of life’s truth and beauty is nearly imperceptible in our noisy, clattering and endlessly busy world in every other year, but this year, the number Seven offers just such an opportunity.

2014 is the Seventh year in our current nine year cycle of creation, which began in 2008, our number One year of new beginnings (2+0+0+8 = 10, 1+0 =1). The Seventh year in every nine year cycle of creative development is a sabbatical time of rest and introspection, like Sunday, the seventh day, where the opportunity presents itself to think about and reflect upon the week’s experiences. However, the higher purpose in Seven is to dig down into unexplored dimensions of being for the purpose of discovery. On the whole, this is a thinking year and, as such, favors a thoughtful, more dignified manner. Negative, emotional reactions, therefore, will backfire in noticeably bigger ways. Seven is bent on revealing the truth of our intents and purposes to bring deeper wisdom and understanding about who and what we are. Luckily, Seven offers both spiritual and material avenues for the journey.

In the material aspect, Seven represents education, research and analysis. It is technical and scientific and seeks knowledge above all else. Seven appraises, evaluates and tests the worth of all activities on all planes of life. The mystical, intuitive side of Seven gives the ability to plumb the depths of reality in a constant quest to discover the hidden facts and is never satisfied until making connection with the sacred in all, linking the known with the unknown.  Seven brings out in us shades of a relentless seeker of truth, who does not accept any idea, plan, information or even accepted fact at its surface value. Taking advantage this year of the opportunity to go within and take a good look individually, as well as collectively, enables us to see the larger truth of who we are as a society in unity consciousness, as well as where we fall short of that awareness.

The year will find us taking stock in our decisions and actions of the previous years to see if they hold up under scrutiny and we will be culling that which is not in alignment with our original intentions, as we refine and perfect existing conditions to better prepare for future actions. Seven will be directing our attention toward new ways of thinking and acting through the experiences we are meeting. So called “Whistleblowers” will gain new patriotic respect as truth tellers in the US in stark contrast to those who, under the self-serving guise of patriotism, seek to suppress the truth and undermine the quality of life for all citizens. 

There will be new peaks in technological, educational, scientific and medical advancements, while past discoveries, laws and enactments will be re-assessed for true value and worth. In this year, we will intend to perfect what we have made since the start of our current nine year cycle. In 2008, our cycle beginning year, the US elected its first president of color and together we set the intention of Hope and Change for the entire cycle. At midpoint, 2012 brought uncertainty and awareness of what needed to be changed in us as individuals and, collectively, on political and social levels, in health care, gun control, immigration, etc.

2013 was a time of taking responsibility for making the changes, adjusting ourselves, accordingly, and building community. We’ve had a busy and tiring last couple of years. In fact, Hope and Change have been embattled since the beginning of this cycle, despite our good intentions.

2014 will be different in that it is a time of greater discernment and analysis that calls us now to look beneath the surface of what seems obvious, to find the deeper reality of what is and rest in it. There will be unusual breakthroughs in meditative practices, experiences and events revealing astonishing shifts in collective and individual consciousness. There will also be an upsurge in religious reform and spiritual interests with the discovery of new and advanced mental and intuitive abilities. There will be a marked increase in paranormal, metaphysical experiences, deeper research and discovery concerning the multidimensionality of humanity with increasing public revelations regarding contact with extraterrestrials.

We will be taking a closer look at all the systems governing our country and our world, especially in the areas of education, finances and banking, and advanced technologies. In fact, any concern in political or social arenas, where the truth has been clearly distorted for the benefit of the few and the detriment of the many, will be fair game for intense scrutiny.

In short, on the more mundane level, there will be unprecedented truth telling resulting from meticulous and determined research and investigation into certain material accomplishments and events in our more recent past, world wide, and most noticeably in this country. However, this level of scrutiny and revelation will inevitably arouse both positive responses and negative suspicions and reactions as the darker side of the number Seven will also have equal opportunity to manifest. The qualities of discretion, poise, silence, research, observation and truth telling inherent in Seven can be distorted in the extreme as deception, criticism, skepticism and detachment. These give rise to extreme secretiveness, disconnection, hiding, suppressing or distorting the truth, being cold, calculating and eccentric in views and actions, fearful, critical, cruel and unreasonable in nature. Important months to be aware of are April, July, September and October.

However, on higher consciousness levels, Seven produces spiritual/fractal masters in the forms of extraordinary students, teachers, scientists, inventors, builders, artists, healers and others who seek to bring the higher truth to light for the betterment of all. So, some will bury the truth but many others will dig to find what is real.

We can find agreement in the quote,

“Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars”

for in this Seventh year, we have come of age in this cycle and if we will but turn within, have faith in our ability to discern the truth, seek it out and act upon it, this will likely be a wholly satisfying and redeeming year for us all, even in the face of extreme adversity.

Remember, Seven is a lucky number, and it only awaits our recognition of the deeper truth of who and what we are at essence to bestow its gifts for enactment. Attachment to the past and letting go of our fear of change has been our greatest challenge in these times. We have always had the ability to discover the gift of knowing that what is going on inside is reflected in our outer environment and that we could therefore change most of what happens in the world, anytime, by merely acknowledging the truth of who and what we are inside of ourselves. Many chose or have been chosen to see, but too few have acted.

However, we are now in a chrysalis stage beyond time and, like the caterpillar in the cocoon, the Who we are is slowly dissolving into an unrecognizable liquid of What potential. The What we are is becoming a butterfly essence of conscious awareness that will none too soon pollinate the dimensions with its sweet nectar so that all can fly.

Wishing you the joy of numinous insights and wisdom gained in this new year of discovery,

Candice Powers  

January 2014

P.S….A note regarding this Seven year on individual levels:  Those whose personal year number is different in addition to this Seven universal year will meet the experiences of the Seven in combination according to their own frequencies. However, those whose personal year is the same as the universal this year will experience Seven’s energetic influence more directly.

2010, A Universal Three Year

A Numerology Perspective

Don’t Worry, Be Happy… It’s the Integration of Dark to Light

The movement of cycles. A New millennium, a new decade, a new year. It’s a different world we find ourselves in since crossing the threshold into a new thousand year cycle intended for peace and integration. There have been seminal events that have rocked our world in shocking and inspiring ways.  The journey so far has been frightening and polarizing, as well as hopeful and mobilizing. We have seen what’s been perceived as extreme darkness in recent times that seemed destined to overshadow the brightest light, but we are reminded this year that the darker the shadow the greater the light; that though the darkness may seem great, it is merely the absence of light and has no real substance of it’s own.  In other words, if we are more aware of the darkness around us, it is because the light has increased, and continues to increase in keeping with the millennial shift.

2010 in a New Cycle of Change

We live in a world of cyclical movement and growth. There are seasonal cycles, ecological and biological, astronomical and calendrical cycles etc., as well as personal and universal cycles of human development.  On a universal level, in numerology terms, the human cycle is a cycle of Nine, as in the nine month cycle in the womb from creation to full term, and human life moves in nine year cycles that define our experiences in the world.  Whatever begins or initiates the new cycle in the first year is carried through the entire cycle to completion in the Nine (ninth) year, after which a new cycle begins again with a One (first) year.

Though 2010 marks the beginning of a new decade based on the calendar cycle of ten, 2008 marked a new, universal nine year cycle, based on the human cycle of nine, with the beginning vibration of the number One  (2+0+0+8 = 10, 1+0 = 1). This was followed by 2009, the second in the cycle and therefore a Two year (2+0+0+9 = 11, 1+1 = 2) of relational development.

2010 is a universal Three year (2+0+1+0 = 3), and three represents self improvement in every way, on individual and collective levels. It is an open invitation to play, to indulge in our dreams and our imagination, to strive for achievement on a grand scale that reflects our personal and universal best self-image. As the child of that which was seeded in the One year, 2008, and nurtured and cultivated in the Two year, 2009, Three can be the best of both worlds. The child metaphor speaks to us about authentic, creative self-expression; of spontaneity, enthusiasm, optimism and joy. However, Three naturally includes the opposite qualities of deceitful, contracted self-centeredness, scattered energy and extravagance; impulsive anxiety, pessimism and worry, which also have room to manifest.

Looking back, just through the 1900’s in America, every universal Three year in each decade of that century brought either changes intended to improve, or awareness to the need for improvement, some more terrific than others. These included the formation of the League of Women Voters in 1920, the stock market crash in 1929, the formation of Departments of the Army, Air Force, CIA, and the Department of Defense in 1947, the signing of the voting rights act by LBJ, in answer to Martin Luther King’s drive to register Black voters in 1965, and Reagan introduced the Star Wars Missile Defense Plan in the same Three year that light flashes were seen on Jupiter’s moon, IO in 1983.  There were many artistic high points in these and other Three years in that century as well, in keeping with the creative self-expression theme.  After the turn of the century, however, our world became more complicated in new ways, calling for new attitudes and understanding.

The Shift to the New World of Integration

In the year 2000, we shifted from a millennium in which every year date began with the number One, which is the masculine number of independence and individuality, of assertive forward movement with self-determination and force, to a new millennium in which every year date now begins with the number Two, which is feminine.  This means that while the masculine number One has been the dominant energy for the past thousand year reign, now the feminine number Two, which is the number of receptivity, cooperation, relationship and peace through integration, has begun its millennial ascent as the energy that reigns supreme.

Two, in the positive, represents the integration of opposites for a peaceful union through cooperative relationship with spiritual awareness. It is the light of reflection for the mirror, integrating the spiritual with the material, as in heaven on earth. In the negative, Two is the opposite of all the above, bringing division, inertia, polarity, indecisiveness, insecurity and fear.

However, because Two is now the dominant energy, we can better see our choices in a clearer light, if we are willing to look, as compared to the more often tunnel vision of the past paradigm.

At the same time, it took a decade of being introduced to the concept of change for peace, which began with the larger millennial cycle shift from the masculine 1 to the feminine 2 and included the beginnings of the destruction of the old paradigm, to gain a better understanding of what we were up against.

The Wake-up Call for Americans

1999 was the year of Y2K and global fear around the potential chaos resulting from the crash of our computer networks, which enlisted some the best computer brains in the world in a race against time to prevent. When the date turned on New Year’s Eve, the dreaded event did not occur, but with the most prevalent collective intention for safety, security and survival already set in that beginning year, through a fear of the unknown, every year after in that 1999 cycle offered the opportunity to fulfill that intention, based in the same fear.  Earlier in the old paradigm, we would have had our wars and gone on to other cycles of that ilk as we have done for centuries. However, as 1999 was at the very end of the millennium, the second year in that cycle was not just a Two year, but the year of the larger cycle of a millennial shift, which added a second, more significant new beginning in the year 2000 that also continued through the decade on top of that nine year cycle.

This universal Three year, 2010, is the second Three year since the beginning of the millennium.  The first Three year of the new millennium, 2001 (2+0+0+1 = 3), was the third year in the nine year cycle that began in 1999, and happened so soon after the millennial shift that we were not prepared to so soon step into the light that 2000 initiated. The events of 2001 therefore served as a wake-up call that shook us out of our deep sleep toward a new way of being.

Like hornets, whose nest has been disturbed, people in America were sent scurrying about, hyper alert to the potential ‘danger’ of… change.  Of course, numerology, and history, show that America’s name is change with a destiny number of 5, which brings freedom and progress through change.  The aftermath of the events in 2001 showed a combination of the desire for improvement, along the lines of our 1999 cycle intent for security, and the shift to 2000, which began to shine a light on the irrational fear going on underneath.

As an example of how this has played out, politically, for the United States, 2008 started the current nine year cycle with a new democratic administration, ushered in by the election of a new, and first ever African American President, Barack Obama.  His campaign ran in 2008 on an ideology of hope and change that promised a new era for the US and the world, and his election by a majority of the people that year established the intent of the same for the new cycle.

With the intention for a new, inclusive freedom through more responsible changes set, the die was cast for the rest of the cycle, and as for every nine year cycle, each year would be instrumental in fulfilling that intention.  We were inspired with the voice of hope in 2008 to make the changes that would benefit the lives of all people, rather than the wealthy few whose positions and status had been acquired by dark means.  We initiated the call to change in 2008, and in 2009 we began the process of ferreting out that which needed changing.

We are being asked this year to summon and sustain our ‘Jedi’ warrior awareness with the ‘force’ of impeccable goodness as our source of power for self improvement at home and in the world.  We are being asked again to ready our inner lightsabers against the darkness in ourselves, but this time with a compassion and understanding through self-acceptance that allows us to integrate and move on, rather than staying in the old paradigm of defensive self-judgment that keeps us in the struggle with little, if any, real progress.

The outpouring of the majority millions in support and enthusiasm for the message of hope and change that Obama brought in 2008 was an unmistakable statement, a testimony to a world weary, yet optimistic call for the emergence of light deep in the heart of Americans too long overshadowed by darkness.  However, as Obama repeatedly said he could not achieve his goal of new freedom for our country by himself, this year we are being called to bring more than discontent and dissent, on any level, to the effort.

The intention for hope and change gets a chance for moving forward in 2010 through everything having to do with self-improvement, creative self expression and our ability to see aspects of ourselves that we’ve judged in others and have a good laugh at our foolishness. With a sincere desire for constructive change, the use of our imagination and positive effort to acknowledge our urge and ability to stand in authentic joy for our highest expression, Americans, as well as all people, can make this a better year by facing full on that which needs improvement in themselves, as much as in their country, and putting the focus on what is good in the world.

Barack Obama’s birthday (8-4-1961) adds up to 11-2 (8+4+1+9+6+1 = 29, 2+9 = 11, 1+1 = 2) a visionary, master number of the integration of spiritual and material qualities.  Obama tried to integrate the country in the White House to bring about change, during 2009, which was an 11-2 year (2+0+0+9 = 11, 1+1 = 2), but mostly succeeded in creating distrust on one side and more greed on the other and polarizing the country.  As a result, perhaps because too many of us were not individually integrated, we became fearful, angry and resistant to the changes that were trying to happen, but of course you cannot change the dark with more darkness!

However, because 2009 was an 11-2 year, the shadow side of integration that was the division we experienced in 2009 did serve to illuminate our differences more clearly and bring to light that which we do, and do not, want in our society and in our lives.  It exposed the darkness in our country, bringing greater awareness of the inequities and the resulting injustices we disdain.

Because Two is about relationship, it is also reflective, seeing itself as, or opposed to, the other.  In the past decade, since entering the 2000 millennium, we have been made more aware of our relationship with the rest of the world, in part as a result of the events on 9-11 in 2001. With adequate self-awareness, that which needs improving is more obvious, but when the conscious self, individually and collectively, is more or less asleep, the sub and/or uber consciousness, most specifically in the Three year of a cycle, commensurate with the level of denial, will devise undeniable, if tragic ways to bring what needs improving to light.  Though it served as America’s wake-up call, judging from the aftermath, it would seem that the uber/super conscious 2001 push for improvement was global in origin.

This new cycle and this new decade represent the opportunity for the integration of our spiritual and material selves in which we can make clearer, conscious, life changing choices, individually, through the challenge of improving our ability to express ourselves authentically in responsible, co-creative ways collectively with the rest of the world.

Gandhi said be the change you wish to see.  Do you want to see change in the world? This year, after a decade of seeing what no longer works in our external world, all people on the planet have the opportunity to now bring the tremendous power of light and joy, deeply inherent in each of us, to the world in a conscious, embodied way, to bring our light to bear on everything we do and say, for real change from within that, as co-creators, we can see manifest in our external experiences.

The difference between this and attempting to “think positive,” as in the old paradigm, is that this 2000 millennium also means integration between our head and heart.  In this new paradigm, we are learning to embody our intentions through inspired action that resonates in the body with those intentions. Unlike the separation of body and mind in the old paradigm, this integration is the unmistakable connection between body and mind.

The new opportunity for all in the world is for greater awareness and actualization of the light beings that we are, not by rejecting the parts in us that we perceive as dark, but by accepting what is present in us without judgment as an aid for continuous awakening and integrated, embodied action in the world.  What we perceive as our previous mistakes can be seen as messages from the past that now serve a more aware present and an enlightened future.

If we own the negativity and fear within us in our fight for a better life, and consciously choose to focus our energy in the direction we wish to go by embracing the power of goodness, light and joy we know also exists within each of us, and in the world around us, the struggle becomes less of a fight and more of a transitional balancing as we integrate the dark into light.

Closing Thoughts

In other Three years, we went to self-improvement seminars to have questions like “What is it that inspires you?”  “What is it that gets you fired up with enthusiasm?”  “What makes your heart sing?”  answered by solutions like “Follow your bliss,” “find your joy,” and “live your dream,” as these are the personal dictates of a typical Three year in your typical nine year cycle.

However, this nine year cycle and this Three year, because they exist within a new millennium, call us to integrate the personal with the universal or collective, to transcend the personal choices made in past cycles, to catch up with the higher frequencies of these accelerated times. The stakes are now higher in that regard, with the need for better, more refined, self-responsible choices based on impeccable self-awareness and impeccable self-love, with self acceptance for and  integration of the dark and light within us. These are the strengths of our humanity and our way to the joy of authentic, creative self-expression that sees and recognizes the same as the humanity in others.

In this year of the child, as we become more aware of the light in and around us by opening ourselves to be inspired, and inspiring others, we reflect the emerging light of this planet for constructive change by being co-creative with the needs of the planet toward a healthy, co-creative freedom for all on the earth. We are reminded this year, in this new millennium of light, that our light, like the sun, is a true source of power and inspiration, and that it is within and available to one and all.

Yours in the Service of Joy,

Candice Powers

December 1, 2009