2016 – A Number 9 Universal Year


A Number 9 Universal Year (2+0+1+6 = 9) of Cycle Completion and Universality

9: Universal, Unconditional Love, Reform, Completion, Unity and Diversity.

The human cycle of growth and development is a cycle of 9, as in the gestation cycle of 9 months. Measuring the cycles of 9 in years, 2016 is a completion year with the cycle ending number 9 (2+0+1+6 = 9) that ends our current, universal nine year cycle, which began in the year 2008. This means things we started in 2008, the Obama presidency, for instance, will be coming to a close this year as a natural conclusion, so that we may prepare for the new cycle birthing year of 1 beginning in 2017 (2+0+1+7=10, 1+0 = 1).

People, unite! We are given the opportunity in this year of completion to come together in unity and end this cycle well for the benefit of all and a chance for a better future in the new cycle. In a kind of spring cleaning that takes place all year, that which is no longer needed or has outgrown it’s usefulness gets discarded, removed or let go. However, as there are cycles within cycles, a year of natural completions does not mean there won’t be some surprise endings due to larger cycles completing not in our general sphere of awareness, as well as free will activity. Yet, whether part of this cycle or larger ones ending, one thing is certain, old ways of being in the world that are no longer sustainable will be reformed or end. With 9 energy, relationships of all varieties that aren’t working are severed, old business gets finished up, and the outworn, outdated and outlived gets tossed out as we tie up loose ends this year.

In the fading climate of individualistic competition in this new millennium, this 9 year also commands us to evolve through greater awareness of the unity to which we all belong, to reconnect with the essence of our humanitarian purpose of universal, unconditional love. The universal energy of 9 calls us to shift our consciousness to a higher frequency, to unite and deepen into the one reality that connects us to all life in the universe and therefore honor the diversity in unity. Completion years are not exactly easy and in keeping with our deep cleaning analogy, long overlooked or ignored places that have been hiding the dirt are now due for a thorough sweeping out.  Selfishness, greed and manipulative domination bring stronger reactions than usual under the fiery influence of the impersonal, unconditional love that burns away all that is not love to serve the greater good of humanity in this 9 year. 9, as the archetype of unity, belongs to and includes within itself all the other numbers and therefore offers unlimited opportunities for loss or gain. The choice, as always, is ours.

9, as the number of divine order and beauty, favors all the arts with the inspiration of divine love. Additionally, the 9 archetypal energy of the year calls for global charity as well as radical, revolutionary reform within and without through opportunities to open our awareness, to grow in courage, love, compassion and forgiveness. Through the recognition of the One reality that is common to all, we find our tolerance, acceptance, appreciation and even gratitude for the differences between us. The macrocosm is being revealed and illuminated by every microcosmic imprint left behind as we tumble through time-tempered space on an endless quest to renew ourselves, to begin again…