The numerology of COVID 19 breaks down to this:
6 9 = (15) 6 Soul
COVID = (26) 8 + 1 + 9 = (36) 9 Destiny
3 4 4 = (11) 2 Personality
One brief, basic interpretation of this means the 9 Destiny of COVID 19 is to spread the development of universal, unconditional Love and brother/sisterhood with compassion and selfless service. Signaling completion and endings, 9 suggests the virus will die when this task is finished.
The 36 is the Visionary for healing who carries a heavy burden. It represents arrested development through the binding of spiritual forces in an attempt to escape from the discipline of matter before its lessons are learned. Through kindness in service to others 36 finds the Holy Grail.
The 6 Soul speaks to the need for balance, responsibility and love with care and service to others.
The 15 is the Devil, bringing deceit. Some serious discernment skills need to be developed for the understanding and wisdom to laugh at surface appearances that reveal themselves to be untrue.
The 2 personality speaks to sensitive connection, cooperation, patience and consideration in relationships.
The 11 is the Scales of Justice, ensuring a balanced life through the elimination of the poisonous toxins in our lives. It is the spiritual master level that presents to the world as engaging in divinely illuminated relationships or enduring breaks in association (isolation/separation) that occur when sensitivity and receptivity to higher, spiritual inspiration is not heeded in consideration of and for the needs of others.