2020 Universal Year Reading


A Universal 4 Year

(2+0+2+0 = 4)

Until you make the unconscious, conscious, it will rule your life and you will call it Fate—C.G. Jung

Let’s get real. The number 4 represents dense matter and form in material existence. 4 is a number of security, system, order and method in the structuring of our lives from intention to reality. This year will see big effort toward bringing plans of the past to realization. Whether constructing a house, organizing a business, building a relationship or rebuilding government and society, the number 4 makes it possible to get the job done.

The number 4 represents the realization of human conditioning as the embodied integration of spiritual and material forms. The realization of any idea or goal depends on the organization of form in multi dimensions and, in a practical, boots on the ground kind of way, organization on the physical plane often amounts to struggle and conflict in the process of reconciling opposing forces into a cohesive order. Conflict and struggle will be more in evidence this year in the efforts toward realizing a higher order of being.

To be clear, this is where the rubber meets the road. What humanity is facing in these times is as real as it gets. Standing on a plateau between the past and the future, now is the time for assessing our values, heeding the call and taking action in preparation for transformation. The world is at a critical juncture during these transitional times and, in this crucial election year, the United States is in the spotlight. Americans are being called to take a serious look within, to be honest about what’s going on with the planet, the country and ourselves, to face facts squarely and meet obstacles with courage and a determination to resolve them.

2020 is a year of opportunity but has a more serious tone than last year. The opportunity is one of stepping up to the plate and making the necessary effort, on any level of existence, to achieve results. Dreams of the past have the possibility of manifesting into being.

The number 4 represents reality in the proof of form in everything from ideas to scientific experiments, systems and structures. The forces of practicality and the usefulness of proven facts that have governed human lives from time immemorial, reinforced a belief in the separation between the spiritual and the material that helped established the illusion of tangible realness in materiality. 4 is therefore the number of security and certainty, ultimately as a defense against death and dying, and world wars have been fought in their names. Humans are therefore attracted to fear and negativity to verify physical existence through a hyper-vigilant need to identify and defend or fight against it to ensure survival of the body/mind. Ironically, this is like fighting for peace, motivated by inner conflict, to achieve security and certainty.

It seems humanity’s unconscious addiction to physicality in separation, which generates fear to keep the ego sated and the body intact, has only been mildly challenged by a conscious desire to transcend the pain of material existence by conquering or leaving it. The influence of 4 creates the desire to find out what’s wrong and make it right, and makes us enjoy the struggle end of achievement for the thrill of accomplishment. The addictive nature of 4 can cause us to get stuck in conflict when diving into the wrong of things without effort toward a constructive goal.

However, 4 is also about honesty, integrity and dependability and in this new era of integration, the quality of the number 4 that represents the ability to bring material existence into being from our conscious and unconscious desires to create is informing our collective awareness with greater frequency. The dream of the Greater Reality has been knocking more loudly, it seems, on the door of our unconscious/shadow since the year 2000 by making it more visible to help us awaken. The understanding of our innate ability to consciously manifest our dreams in right relationship with the All that Is, is evidently evolving, but the events and actions of this 4 year will nonetheless require no uncertain amount of sleeves rolling up and digging in of heels, figuratively and literally.

Cycles of Change

Humanity proceeds in linear time based on creative development cycles of nine, beginning with the nine month cycle of gestation it takes to create a body. That template describes the process of development in archetypal qualities represented by the numbers 1-9 with 1 being conception or beginning and 9 being full term or completion. All stages of development in the process represented by the rest of the numbers are interconnected based on what was seeded or intended in the beginning in order to bring it to completion or end, as in full term. In the case of gestation, all nine months of that cycle are devoted to the development of the conceived seed to make a human body. After birth, the creative development cycles of nine continue, counted in years, with the seed intentions in the first year of every nine year cycle, throughout human life, determining the purpose and direction of the entire cycle. Our current nine year cycle bears looking into from the beginning for help in understanding not only the path we are on in US, specifically, but for identifying the signposts and timing of changes ahead.

2017 was the first year, a universal 1 year of a new universal nine year cycle, in which the intention for the cycle was set to be completed in 2025. 2017 was also the year Donald Trump was inaugurated as president of the United States. The question is, what was the collective intention in that year that will become established in this year? What work is at play in this substructure of existence? Whose plans are being laid as the foundation to be played out? Are the intentions of everyone included? This will be explored later here in relationship to what this year might hold for our future.

2018, the second year in this new cyle, as an 11-2 year (2+0+1+8 = 11, 1+1 = 2) was a year of light that found us gathering together and developing our 2017 intentions as well as creating breaks in association resulting from polarizing divisiveness. The atmosphere of 2 energy, as in the 1+1 relationship that permits one to be mirrored by another, allowed us to see ourselves either separate or opposite from the other, reflected in the other or as two sides of the same coin, so to speak, giving rise to both connection and equally apparent division. There was spiritual infusion through the master number 11-2 in 2018 that presented the opportunity to become more deeply informed and inspired by a higher vision for humanity, to bring to light the darkness that had been underlying operations in the world and at home in the US for so many years. Many things were revealed in 2018 as this was a very important year in the cycle for gathering information and connecting with the bigger picture of our evolutionary path in the new millennium. In fact, a dawning awareness since the year 2000 (2 energy) has been preparing us for the circumstances in which we, especially in the US, now find ourselves.

2019 was a universal 3 year in which the inspirations of 2018, born of adversity as well as higher perceptions, began to sink in on a more personal level. You may have noticed you were a bit more optimistic even during the ongoing turmoil in the country. You may have felt more social, more creatively expressive and more easily positive, generally, in 2019. The point of 3 is self-improvement through self-awareness and the self-expression of the available inspiration, which can show up even through negative experiences. What we gain from our personal experiences in a 3 year can give us a positive boost of energy around how we, personally, wish to get involved in the improvement of ourselves, society or the world. 3 energy in 2019 invited us to dream and, on the shadow side, to perhaps worry about our own individual place in the grand scheme of things. Yet, the success of dreaming is furthered in the doing, which was right on time for 2020.

2020 is a year in which the feeling is one of needing to be up and doing and this makes perfect sense in an election year of this magnitude. 2020, as the fourth year and a universal 4 quality of energy in this nine year cycle, will therefore see and support the ways and means for carrying out plans set into motion in 2017 toward completion of the cycle in 2025. In a typical 4 year, plans get organized, formalized and become established, things from religious institutions to societies to buildings get dismantled and restructured. New foundations are laid, mental and physical efforts finally get real results and dreams become reality. This year will see the results of our labors from the previous years. At the same time, 4 is a building year and all affairs, living conditions, family matters and business activities will need steady application and attention to details as part of the daily and monthly requirements to establish stability and a firmer basis for future growth.

4 brings the opportunity for transformation through the number 20 which represents a turning point in 2020. With the doubling of the 2 energy as 4 (2+2), shadow elements present themselves to be faced in this year in the restructuring of society. In engineering, something that is well built is considered to have structural integrity and that which is poorly made is considered a structural failure. Destruction therefore carries 4 energy as the shadow of construction, just as integrity is shadowed by failure. We are therefore reminded that failure is never really about what is attempted and not achieved but rather about the lack of true effort.

The opportunity this year is to focus on those things that really matter to us, individually, to reconnect with what we know needs to get done and do it. Individual efforts toward improvement contribute to the collective betterment. With the ongoing old paradigm propensity for establishing endless wars and more restricting life in the running, there is much to do if we are to realize our better intentions.

Everything having to do with being practical, physical, tenacious, determined and honest are qualities of energy supported under the influence of 4. These apply to everything, from ideas to organizations or personalities, as well as to nature and the environment. As an Earth element number, 4 tasks us to consider ourselves one with the environment to preserve the beauty and balance of its natural order and systems so essential to our existence, to begin the deeper work of integration in earnest for the sake of ourselves and the planet. As a number of physicality, 4 rules the physical structure of the body and brings the requirements of practical, common sense practices as well as grounding and centering for good health.

About Those 2017 Intentions…

Quantum physics tells us what becomes real is that which is focused upon. The New Thought as well as the old religious understanding also says that unity consciousness brings forward that which is intended, fueled by passion, especially in groups. The collective intention for the direction of the country could therefore be set by the strength of the emotion and desire expressed by the greatest number of people. In fact, the high turnout in 2016 for Bernie Sanders as well as the three million more in the popular vote for Hillary Clinton far outweigh the 306 electoral college delegate votes received by Trump.

However, because those in positions of worldly power can make decisions that affect the many, it may seem that a select few set the intentions for the rest of us by default, simply because their agendas are being carried out, but that would not be completely accurate. For instance, in the political arena, a recent world poll of 33 countries found a majority disapproval (69%) of President Trump and his policies from 2017 onward, which strongly suggests that the greater desire and intention in the world in that year was counter to that which was being set by smaller groups of people in positions of power in the US and elsewhere in the world, regarding political direction. See it here: https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2020/01/08/trump-ratings-remain-low-around-globe-while-views-of-u-s-stay-mostly-favorable/

If enough individuals in the world were feeling the same way about the direction in which they wanted to move forward, based on events in 2017 or before, expressed with some level of passion in word or action, that would be the collective intention that was the strongest with the most potential for fulfillment in the cycle.

What about here in the US? What were your intentions in 2017? The political climate in the US that year was so intense that the collective energy was super charged, polarized between shock and elation, though I would argue mostly shock, catapulting people on both sides into defensive postures and fostering ideas and intentions that are and will be carrying through the cycle. One thing was clear by the end of 2017, those in opposition to the new administration knew very well what they did not want. While not the same thing as a definitively stated goal, it would seem that there were more of us who resisted the new president than supported him, who were unhappy with the election results and wanted something different to happen from there. Therefore, contrary to current appearances, and based on the quantum principles of cyclical existence, the collective strength of intention in the majority has the bulk of the power to endure through the cycle.

At the same time, intentions are potentials, not absolutes, and though intentions set in a universal or personal 1 year have a much greater potential for fulfillment than any other year in the cycle as it carries the birthing force, the direction must be clearly recognized and opportunities for its support, offered in the following years of the cycle, taken and applied.

The Trump administration’s intentions have become very clear over the past three years. Trump has reinforced his agenda to stay in power by holding rallies with his base in every year and attempting to influence people to even become violent toward those who are against him. He has put considerable effort toward establishing memes of divisiveness, separation, hate and violence. What he has lacked in substance, he has made up for in sheer perseverance. These memes as well as his intentions for the country, have been carried out by Trump and his administration to shred regulations in all agencies, to weaken protections for the poor and disabled, the environment, pulling out of the climate agreement, separating immigrant children from their parents and families, provoking Iran by pulling out of the nuclear deal, threatening our national security and he was impeached by the house and put on trial for corrupt behavior with Ukraine, to name a few.

In the absence of effort toward the greater intention set by the rest of the country and the world, if amounting to a more or less passive resistance to the changes brought by Trump, the default intentions and agendas of this administration have potential for becoming established in this year as part of this cycle, which, again, will not end until 2025. This means all those who wanted and envisioned something different in 2017 than what Trump was intending and bringing, who have held that vision until this year, need now, more than ever, to step up to the plate in word and action in whatever way is specific to you, to bring that vision into reality. At the same time, though love is the strongest force, it seems clear that actions borne of fear and hate will only add to that pot of soup already being generated.

The shock and awe created by Trump’s actions have kept many of us in defense mode rather than going after what we want with positive passion and action. From the pervasive fear and anger expressed by all sides, it would seem that we are in a battle for dominance, but to be clear, I am not talking about us and them, here. What’s different in the 2000s, now that we can see the shadow side of things more clearly through the mirror qualities of 2, is the potential for greater division and polarity exists and has in fact been playing out. We seemed to have become more divided in the new millennium, yet the potential for integration is also higher now, if for no other reason than becoming more aware of what divides us.

Rather than thinking and acting from a good vs evil stance, coming from the perspective that basic goodness is the total Reality of being, awareness of being in alignment with that reality is all that is needed to exist harmoniously and manifest the greater good in the world. Diversity is a strength in this case as it means that can happen in so many different ways, in so many different places. When the energy of basic goodness in humans is truly owned and lived strongly enough in the collective, alignment with what IS will manifest more brightly, illuminating and thus obscuring all that is not that. Like how switching on the light makes the darkness disappear, simply absorbed into the light, becoming as One.

The New Millennium Path of Unity Consciousness

The year 2000 marked a millennial threshold crossing in time that also signaled a shift in the quality of energy we are now experiencing. We have shifted from absorption in the paradigm of I and me (1000s = 1 = self, individual, independent), to new possibilities in the paradigm of Us and We (2000s = 2 = self with other, together, cooperative, co-creative). 2 is the feminine archetype of spiritual/intuitive feeling and relating, of peaceful union and cooperation. However, while the shadow possibility exists, the higher purpose of 2 energy does not speak to being lived in an era of group think or mob rule. Quite the opposite, we have entered a relational time of refinement and integration in which we are developing a more nuanced feeling and insight into everything that goes on within ourselves, our thoughts, feelings, ideas and beliefs in relationship to everything that touches our lives, whether tangible or imaginary. It is the integration rather than separation of the masculine and feminine archetypes.

The time is one of coming into being with our own individual uniqueness in relation to the whole. The opportunity for all is to awaken to being in relationship with all of it, to consider both or all sides, to cooperate with how we relate for a better understanding of the life we share with ourselves, each other, the planet and the universe at large. The 2000s are a time of developing right relationship with the Divine and the spiritual aspects of existence. This means a shift from the desire for black and white absolutes of conditioned existence in the name of consistency, conformity or certainty, so central in the past millennium, to the discovery that potential exists in everything we desire or experience, even the unknown.

Experiencers of extraterrestrial, extradimensional phenomena, paranormal events and contact with life beyond 3D are some of the pioneers who are bringing us into the 21st century awareness of humanity’s evolutionary path to galactic citizenry. They bring a message of humanity’s inclusion in the oneness of all life and the realization of our multi/inter-dimensional nature.

This means we can become the living, integrated expression of our inner and outer experience in unity consciousness and awareness of the sacredness of all life through conscious, self-aware choices. The shadow opposite means devolving further into division and separation, living an existence of polarization and fear. That, of course, would be similar to the result of the egoic idea that found the very dark and Middle Ages appealing after the fall of Rome.

Why Did the Horrific Events of 9-11 Happen in the New Millennium of Co-creative Peace?

The exploration of this subject could fill an entire book, but, from a number perspective, in a nutshell, humanity develops, as defined earlier, in cycles of 9 and the first decade of the 2000s did not contain a full nine year cycle within it. Though the year 2000 marked the crossing into the new millennium, 2000 was a universal 2 year (2+0+0+0 = 2). This means it was the second year of the universal cycle that began the year before in 1999, which was a universal 1 year (1+9+9+9 = 28, 2+8 = 10, 1+0 = 1) and therefore part of the old millennium of the 1000s. Because that nine year cycle from 1999 to 2007 began in the 1000s, it means most of the first decade of the new millennium, which included the events of 9-11 in 2001 and its aftermath, was in the cycle still connected to the old I-me paradigm of the previous millennium and the intentions set in that time. The new millennium cycles did not get fully underway until after that old cycle ended in 2007.

The first complete nine year cycle of the new millennium did not begin until it’s first universal 1 year in 2008 (2+0+0+8 = 10, 1+0 = 1), the year Barack Obama was elected to be the first African American President of the United States. Pretty interesting, right? Based on the cycles, Obama was truly the first new millennium president, setting the intention around the world in the first new millennium cycle as a representative of the new paradigm of cooperation and integration in the US and the world. He embodied this even within himself as a person of mixed heritage, in the integration of black and white, a cooperative blend of opposing races. Obama’s presidency endured for the duration of the nine year cycle in part because he was elected in a universal 1 year, but also because the intention of the majority in the US and the world was inspired by a more positive message and was ready, in the post 9-11 climate of fear, to join and follow Obama’s intention of Hope and Change.

Enter Donald J. Trump

With Hope and Change as the intention, by the end of the cycle in 2016, bigger changes were still elusive as the persistent resistance in the country from old undercurrents was still very strong and hope grew less enthusiastic. Obama repeatedly stated he could not make changes by himself and the real change we were looking for did not materialize in the way we might have imagined, though some progress was made and the intention remained. Perhaps this was due in part to a lack of clarity about that intention. I remember just being grateful with the election of Obama to be out of the war years under George W. Bush, even though the war was ongoing because at least under Obama we could move in a new direction toward peace and better health care and other positive things for the country. It seemed, though, that many in the country, including me, worn down by the shock and awe environment, settled into a kind of complacency under Obama, even while continuing to embrace and defend progressive values and deal with growing concerns in our country and the world. It wasn’t until 2016, the last year of Obama, when Hillary Clinton seemed like the obvious next step in the hope and change cycle that, surprise, surprise, real change came in the default form of the election of Donald Trump. Yet, the cycles tell us that this outcome was not at all what it seemed.

Many have agonized over the why of that result, but considering the shadow of the old paradigm, with the devastation from 9-11 still looming, it was perhaps more difficult to take advantage of the opportunities in front of us during the Obama cycle to truly see and develop the real change we wanted. The US still had massive problems in health care, even with the modest changes Obama implemented with the Affordable Care Act, which though better still had problems. Citizen’s United was still in place, corporate lobbyists were still controlling our politicians on both sides, we were still fighting in the Middle East and there was clear corruption being exposed by Julian Assange and others. Climate change and healthcare were still very big, issues. Apparently, lots of business still tied to the old millennium needed to be resolved and cleared. And though many imagined a woman president may have been a better solution for real progress, what Hillary represented as a world leader was mostly following the path of the old paradigm and not the new. She voted for the war in Iraq as well as for the Patriot Act and pledged to fight anyone who tried to impose a two state solution on Israel.

So, perhaps Trump’s election in the last year of Obama’s cycle served its intention for change as a wakeup call to the deeper changes that were needed, by first showing us the change we didn’t want. The galvanizing energy that came with that shock, perhaps aided by the emergent energy of the new millennium, has stimulated and ignited mass movement for many causes that have been brought to our awareness as never before.

It is worth reiterating here that, even though Trump was inaugurated in a universal 1 year in 2017, he was actually elected in 2016, a universal 9 year of completion, which, again, meant his election was a fulfillment of the cycle that began in 2008, the cycle of Obama. His presidency began with the inauguration in 2017, but it did not reflect a true new beginning that reflected the will of the people for the new cycle. Perhaps this is also why his election came as such a shock to so many. Perhaps, we somehow knew he did not fit the great anticipation for the new cycle ahead in 2017. Just as 9-11 happened as part of an old millennium cycle, where everything about it was contested and challenged, there is, therefore a serious cloud of doubt about the endurance of Trump’s presidency through the new cycle.

It needs to be said here that though the new millennium has seemingly gotten off to a rocky start, letting go of two thousand years of patriarchal insurgence and rule will take more than a couple of decades. I take heart in knowing that 2000 marked two thousand years of development under this calendar time frame and the beginning of the third millennium of developing 3 energy. We are therefore now living into the already developed energy of 2 and all that remains to establish that fact is our awareness and willingness to be receptive to it, to be in it and live it as what IS. As more of us do so, the shift will become more apparent in the transcending of the old millennium paradigm of 1 energy and its integration in relationship to the new paradigm. However, density of grey matter in the human brain, which is more or less a mindset, makes change more challenging, and as the developing 2 was in the shadow of the 1 for the last two thousand years, we have much to do in regard to achieving the awareness of where we actually now are.

The Work

What’s going on in the country right now may seem beyond daunting and when it comes to politics, many feel helpless in the face of overwhelming odds against their actions having any effect or making a significant difference. Luckily, humanity is connected to many ongoing and interconnecting cycles of development and influence, universal and personal, directive, galactic and local.

This year the US, specifically, is also beginning a nine year directive cycle, determined by our calendar age, 244 years, that will carry the frequency of the number 1, which marks a resurgence of old paradigm sentiments about dominance, and the possibility that Trump, with enough support, could be re-elected. But it also means Americans have a chance this year, to reaffirm our intention for the direction of the country, for a real new beginning in the US which certainly could include the election of a new, progressive president as well as a restructuring of our system of government. The new 2 energy paradigm will either support through connection or, as it is again still new, further divide through indecision. However, with the number 4 this year lending the constructive and grounding support of practicality and productivity, along with the desire to get something done, preparatory efforts for change will be generally rewarded. Additionally, the personal year number for the US, based on our 4th of July birthday, is a 6, which is about adjustment, responsibility and balance, as well as stability and harmonization of previous years since the US began it’s new, personal cycle in 2015. The 1 energy of the directive cycle will last for another eight years, so fortunately, or not, it is not as strong a cycle as the personal and universal year cycles. The indication here is for making clear decisions in alignment with the direction that is desired and then act on them.

Summary Conclusion

All people in the world using our current calendar system are, in 2020, in the 4th year of following a collective intention, seeded by the majority with the impassioned desire for change in 2017, the beginning year of a new, universal nine year cycle. In 2020, that seeded intention is in its 4th step, bringing 4 energy to accomplish the first level of becoming established through practical action, which will strengthen the intention to grow and complete its manifestation by the end of the cycle in 2025.

The changes intended around the world for positive change are focalized in the US as a pivotal point due to our political circumstances affecting the world. The US is also starting a brand new directive cycle this year that carries the influence of the number 1. This means the influence of the beginning energy of 1, like that in 2017, supports a fresh start, a change of direction that could be used to renew our intentions of 2017 for a better world that supports its peoples and the planet or introduce new intentions that are even more clear in support. Additionally, the US is in a 6 personal year, affording all Americans their right to justice through responsibility taken and adjustments made for peace and balance.

As always, humans are faced with choosing fear or love in all matters, but in this year we have the opportunity to face the fear and move through it with physical action to accomplish our goals. By recognizing, accepting and taking action in the direction we wish to go with determination and courage we can only gain in positive strength. For Americans, taking responsibility to better order, organize, manage and balance our personal lives this year will go a long way toward applying our talents to the achievement of our goals, as well as contribute productive energy to the collective.

In 2020, positive, constructive efforts will see real movement toward the realization of our dreams. Destructive efforts and actions will show the tearing down that results from negative conflict, argument and war. Every nine years we have the opportunity to change direction on personal and universal (collective) levels. In this cycle, on the heels of the Hope and Change cycle of Obama, the established order has been targeted for dismantling and those who support Donald Trump believe he was elected to dismantle it. However, what’s different, in this time from historical efforts to change the established order is the context, which for the past two thousand years has been under the aegis of 1, patriarchal energy. Since the year 2000, we are now in a completely new paradigm of 2, Divine Mother energy that is providing the new context for this change of order. Obama was the first new millennium president to usher in change in this new context of feminine energy for co-creation and integration and Donald Trump was elected within the cycle started by Obama. We could say, then, that Trump, in a back door kind of way, has been assisting the Obama cycle of Hope and Change by making it very clear what the real change needs to be by expressing the opposite.

Trump and his administration have offered up another version of the same order that Trump claims to be against in truly effective ways. Oddly, he has claimed to be “draining the swamp” while he proceeds to blatantly recreate it. Namely, the old paradigm, imperialist, materialistically dominated, me (presented as “America”) first, separatist order, perhaps so we could get a cold, hard, concentrated look at it in order to remove any doubts about what we are wanting and indeed moving away from. His desperate efforts to hold on to the past by fiercely rejecting the inevitable change during this transitional time of moving to a higher order of human organization have succeeded in galvanizing those who have embraced the concept of an integrative, new order that supports the people and the planet but have been complacent in participating in its birth. Interestingly, this fear of change and complacency is shared by the leaders of the democratic party, the majority of whom have also embraced the establishment status quo regarding the corporate model, even while espousing reform. Those who have embraced Trump are nonetheless eager to move to a better world, but their complacency has taken the form of a deeper, profound fear of change that has prompted them to follow those who resist it at all costs in the view that going back to a previous comfort zone is safer.

This new millennium energy and this new cycle in it, offers the opportunity to begin actively participating in the promotion of love and connection. We can begin to see things like the relationship between power and corruption from a new capacity to recognize the breadth and depth of our choices in relationships that create it, in every facet of life, including refining the relationship with our own selves and our ability to separate ourselves out from that which does not resonate. In this new context, we can learn now to do that with compassion rather than with fear, hate and violence, with understanding and acceptance.

I’d like to say that focusing the majority of our time and energy on separatist fear and negativity at this point is really old school and that the progressive path is the surest, even safest way to toward achieving our destined higher order of being. However, the pragmatic realists coming out of the woodwork this year would call that ideal projection utopian, but if we can ask ourselves, as my friend, Cynthia Sue Larson, brilliantly brings to our attention, the question “How good can it get?”, we stand a much better chance of finding out.

Candice Powers Numerologist


March 2020