2022 A Universal 6 Year (2+2+2 = 6) Justice, Balance and Peace in a New Millennium of Integration and Love

The New Context of the New Millennium

The millennial, or thousand year, cycle change that happened in the year 2000 was an energetic threshold crossing of major significance and on an order of magnitude we have yet to fully realize.  In 2000, a new era in the history of humanity began that energetically and directly represents the shift in consciousness, the transition in awareness prophesied, globally predicted, heralded by awakening multitudes and currently being experienced daily.

The Shift from 1 to 2

The year 2000 brought us out of one thousand years of masculine 1 energy that began in the year 1000, simultaneously delivering us into a thousand years of feminine 2 energy moving forward. We have entered the developing stages of a new paradigm of the relational feminine qualities of cooperation, consideration of the other and integration, in which love, intuition, empathy and emotion are more easily and widely accessed by men and women alike. The difference between the qualities of energy in the two millenniums represented by the archetypes of the numbers 2 and 1, respectively, is like the difference between night and day, inclusion and exclusion or diplomacy and force. However, in these days of polarity and division, it is perhaps difficult to see this peaceful side of feminine qualities in evidence.

Resistance is Futile

Change is difficult, in any millennium, and changing a thousand years of living in and supporting 1 energy to being in the nearly opposite energy of 2 doesn’t happen overnight. While we can sense the shift, we are all on some level still going through the motions to maintain the illusion of the same old for as long as we can. The resulting inner conflict causes old behavior patterns of fear and anger to emerge along with resistant reactions, mechanically repeating themselves as though in a state of hypnosis. It is as though we are currently living the very definition of insanity.

However, the fact is the platform of support for the energetic, feminine 2 qualities in these examples of opposites has replaced the energetically masculine 1 structure of the past millennium. We are in a new era, but thousand year old habits die hard. The 1 will not go peacefully into that good 2 night and will, as we have been witnessing, fight with all its might to maintain the dominance it has enjoyed for at least a millennium, yet there is simply nothing left now to sustain it as a dominant paradigm, try as we might. And we will continue to try, but the intense struggle and resistance to the change currently happening are increasingly more like futile attempts to recover that which has been transcended in Reality.

The current shift in consciousness fostering the realization of this fact in conscious human awareness is quite messy, yet what we will steadily see is that the further we get into this new era, the clearer the reality becomes. Ironically, the fear of change and the resulting chaos will likely increase in some who will desperately try to continue to keep the inevitable at bay by clinging to the old which no longer exists in the same way. The good news is that though 1 is no longer the dominant energy, it obviously has not disappeared. It is very much a part of the human experience, though serving its purpose differently within the new era of 2. Eventually, and inevitably, the old ways that are not sustainable will fade into the new awareness of the consciousness that we are, transformed and transmigrated by the swell of its flow. However, while in some other dimension this has already occurred, willful ignorance on this dimensional plane can potentially forestall the realization needed for actualization.

6 in 2022: From Chaos to Balance in the New Era

Change is necessary to liberate us from past limitations and prevent stagnation. The winds of change can be constructive, innovative and directive, bringing progress, growth and freedom for new life, awareness and understanding. They can also be chaotic and destructive, instigating a radical tearing down of the old through restless discontent, rebellion and anarchy, burning bridges without regard for consequences. 2021 was a universal 5 year of change and uncertainty with more than its fair share of the latter. Yet, from chaos comes new order and under the guardianship of 6 in 2022 a new center of balance and peace becomes possible through responsible actions of care and service to others. Unlike before 2000, adjustments for balance and harmony in this year’s 6 vibration can be more easily aided now by the intuitive and relational 2 energy of cooperation, connection, care and assistance.

Love is the Only Answer

6 is ruled by Venus, the goddess of love and is also linked with the astrological sign Libraand its scales of justice. It is the mother/father energy of reciprocal love that extends to the healing, social and service professions, also lending its talents to the arts and humanities. Under 6 energy, very strong feelings and opinions about what is right and wrong can also be experienced, promoting a determined sense of duty and responsibility to defend them.

6 has been called the Guardian of Mankind for the strong protection qualities seen in those willing to fight for human rights and in a demand for justice against the inhumane treatment of people, the environment and animals.  Unlike the rebellious anarchy of the chaotic 5, 6 brings the ability to organize its battles for humanitarian causes through a sense of righteousness, be it “truth and justice” based, as seen in the selfless acts of healers, teachers, counselors, parents and social justice advocates and activists, or the holier than thou and other forms of divinely perceived entitlement in those with social agendas.

In any case, all individual battles waged on the inner planes with love and compassion and self-responsibility under the 6 vibration win the ability to see things more clearly from a more fair and balanced perspective, to weigh options relationally and respond or not to the call to stand up for what’s perceived as just causes.  This is the challenge for the balanced way we are facing in 2022. The number 6 calls for willing service, played out on home, family, community and world stages.

6 in the Current Nine Year Cycle of  9 Energy

Cycles of nine are cycles of creative human development that have accompanied every nine month cycle of birth in the womb since humanity was born. These cycles of development continue after birth, which for convenience we measure in nine years. Every year in a nine year cycle follows the intention set in the first year with all the years after following that intention until its completion in the ninth year.

Our current, universal nine year cycle began in 2017, a 1 year (2+0+1+7 = 10, 1+0 = 1) and will end in its ninth year, 2025 (2+0+2+5 = 9).  The 2017 cycle is also the 225th nine year cycle in the world since year 1AD , giving the whole cycle a 9 vibration (2+2+5 = 9).  As 9 represents completion, this means nine years of opportunity from 2017 to 2025 to complete or end that which has served its purpose and is no longer contributing to higher growth and evolution.

2022 as the sixth year in this cycle therefore carries the archetypal qualities of energy inherent in the number 6.  This year we have already seen a greater turnout of community energy with justice being served in many social arenas and this will continue to mount through the year in education, health, food industries, immigration, housing, care of the elderly and anywhere else there are issues of ‘man’s inhumanity to man’.  Racial equality and religious reforms will also continue to be centers of focus. Healing through 6 energy can mean an end to the chaos of the pandemic as we continue to heal in the aftermath of heeded calls for justice for all. We will also see much innovation in the areas of healthcare and around stress reduction that will focus on comfort, soothing the nervous system, and calming the mind through new techniques and methods that don’t include pharmaceutical medications.

Where to from Here?

As a universal, collective cycle, what was the intention and purpose set in 2017 regarding endings or completion, how does the 6 energy of 2022 fit into it and how can it contribute to its fulfillment? As we are in a new era, we are best served to venture an educated guess, based on the context of the new millennium and our history since that threshold crossing. For more specific timeline information about the millennial crossing, with an explanation into why 9-11 happened after, and what this new era means for where we are now, that report will be out within the next week.  However, if we just looked at the difference in this new millennium with its purpose and potential, we could see that it provides the context for this 2017 cycle, this year, and all the cycles to come after in the broader, larger scheme of things.

The 2 in the larger context ultimately points to transcending duality through the integration of opposites for the purpose of creating an integrated, unique third that is neither individual, nor dual but beyond some blend of both.  This millennium of the 2000s actually began the third millennium since 1 AD in our universal calendar system. As archetypal representations of masculine and feminine qualities, we could see the 1000s + 2000s as father (1) and mother (2) producing a unique child (3) who is different from both. A new human, a fully integrated, spiritually embodied entity on a new path of its own, perhaps on a transformed earth, having evolved beyond the separation illusion of duality. A new human, free to participate in multi-dimensional existence in concert with entities in the multiverse who have transcended individualism as a call to war and conflict.  A new human supported by a new Earth to embrace the reality of difference as something not to accept and tolerate but rather to enthusiastically experience and celebrate.

In these volatile transition times, we may continue to encounter the fear inherent in being embodied, with the potential for anger and violence threatening the possibility of war, but now, more than ever, we can consciously choose to participate in our awakening to Truth, on both micro and macro levels, whether it means simply listening to the Light as the inner voice of our essence and attuning to it, recognizing and allowing ourselves to be penetrated by the beauty of nature, animals and in every human, including ourselves, or taking action in the world for the ideals of unconditional Love that burn inside us as inspiration.

The intention of the 2017 cycle might just be a call for the end of the corruption and separation strategies that promote profits over people and obstruct our evolutionary path to maturity in a world that understands the true meaning of ‘me’ in service to We. The desire for this change was illuminated in the 2008 cycle, the first full nine year cycle of the new millennium and the new era. We have heard for some time now that we are in a battle to save democracy all over the world, touted more in the US, especially since January 6 of this year, with some calling for a revolution to restore what are believed to be better values from our past. However, in a broader sense, considering the darkness we are being called to bring to light and transcend since crossing the millennial threshold, this new era signals a new way forward without going back, a new kind of revolution of love for the soul of humanity.

And in the End

We may not see this full shift in our lifetimes, but the three 2s in this 2022 6 energy year in this new 2 millennium are certainly about master level energy happening to point us in the direction of the integration of opposites, a uniting of the spirit and matter within us through love.  The shadow of 2 brings division, polarity, pettiness and fear of being vulnerable, even fear of connection, but while the number 9 directing the 2017 cycle is about endings, it is also the number of universal, unconditional love and forgiveness, as in complete wholeness.

The Life forces of Love, Compassion, Empathy, Service and Connection are always operating as the Light in our lives, which we can access at any moment we choose. The numbers 2, 6 and 9 in a combined effect this year make it profoundly easy to access these qualities in ourselves. We have but to ask and receive this abundance in numbers greater than our fear, opposition and anger to witness their blossoming in our lives and throughout the world.  May it be so.

Candice Powers


February 22, 2022

