2021 Universal Year

2021 (2+0+2+1 = 5)

 5  Universal  Year of

 Freedom, Change and Transformation

Free at Last! Free at Last! Thank God Almighty

We are Free at Last!

                                                                    –Martin Luther King Jr.

It’s a 5 year. Time to Get Busy!


New Year.  New President.  New Energy.  New Cycle and Direction. This year of change brings new discoveries, actions and understanding in the wake of our recent and distant past for moving forward in a new way.

2021 is a pivotal year of change, to be sure. The election and inauguration of a new president in the middle of our current universal nine year cycle is a clear indication of getting more firmly on track with the purpose and intention for the new 2017 cycle.

The events of January 6, 2021  at the capitol of The United States in Washington D.C. are yet more evidence that things are underway for massive changes in our evolutionary journey as Americans. More about what the majority of American voters set into motion in 2017, along with support from around the world, will be further revealed and opportunity for moving it forward will be the result.

The first and last term of the disastrous Trump presidency, including the tragedies of 2020, with the mishandling of the pandemic amidst the economic fallout, is done. Just to be clear: finished, completed, terminated.

Yet, the existential crisis lingering in the aftermath of the past four years has many asking: how did we get here, are we in for more of the same, how can we understand this and is there anything that can be done about it? What do the cycles, new and old, in these changing, transitional times tell us? These are all matters up for discussion, according to the numbers.

Why Trumpism Represents an End Rather Than a Beginning

Trump was actually elected in 2016, a 9 universal year of completion (2+0+1+6 = 9), rather than in 2017, the 1 universal year (2+0+1+7 = 10, 1+0 = 1) that began the new cycle.  2016 was the last year of Obama’s nine year universal cycle that began with his election in a 1 universal year in 2008, (2+0+0+8 = 10, 1+0 = 1). This means Trump’s election in 2016 was connected to the completion of the intention set by the masses in 2008, represented by Obama. In other words, contrary to appearances, we could say the whole purpose of Trump’s election was therefore completed as part of the old cycle. 

As president elect, Trump’s presidency did carry over into the new year in 2017. It was inaugurated and even lasted four years though it was clearly not part of the new universal cycle launched in that beginning year. The intention firmly set in a cycle beginning year is the only one with the power to continue for the duration of the whole cycle.  That 2017 cycle’s new direction was chosen, intended and set into motion by a groundswell of mental and emotional energy in the majority of voters, supported by the energy of agreement from around the world. According to the law of cycles, Trump’s presidency was really done, energetically, from its beginning in 2016.  It ended physically in 2020 as part of the intention of the new cycle, which, by all accounts from those on this path, included making Trump a one term president along with all he represented.

Said another way, the mass majority established an intention in 2017 for a new direction in the new universal cycle that will continue to play out through 2025, but it was not the intention attempted nor represented by Donald Trump.

Trump as a Catalyst for Change

In 2016, our vision suddenly changed to 20-20 with a wake-up call that shocked the world and brought an end to our long sleep.

Trump and his decisions and actions as the 45th president, which, as 9 (4+5), was again about endings, not beginnings, could be seen as the representative embodiment of the known corruption that lead up to his election in 2016, in the final year of Obama’s cycle. Though Obama’s and the majority of much of the world’s intention for Hope and Change was set in 2008, the political will in the US was not sufficient to effect the level of change envisioned. In fact, the task seemed so huge and the way still vague, that it took Obama’s entire two terms, even with the encouraging boost of “Yes We Can”, to achieve the clarity and sufficient will needed to awaken in the majority of American voters as a call to action.

With the 2008 Obama mission accomplished in 2016, our hope for rooting out the dysfunction in our country and resolve for change was thus strengthened to begin the process in earnest in the next cycle that began in 2017. This was important because it defined the value system and moral ground of the majority in the US and many in the world and therefore determined what intention would be set for the whole cycle.

The importance of Trump’s end as president becoming a reality was in the positive choice, itself, made by the majority of the American people, to move away from that negative path. Trump did not emerge on the scene out of nowhere, but was the product of decades of development. The movement forward from here will be tasked with being in right relationship with what is if we do not wish to go back to the way things were before.

2017: A Universal 1 Year of New Direction

The prevailing energy during 2017 was certainly one of anger, disappointment and regret in a majority of Americans about the outcome of the election, which initiated an intention for real change, carrying over from what Obama invoked during his first campaign.

We can imagine what seeds were planted with the intention for the new cycle set in 2017, based on all the events that have so far occurred.  Even if we only examine what we thought we foresaw and rejected in the past four years in the US alone, we could say it was about ending the old patriarchal way of the dictator by acknowledging and promoting respect for all Life, basic goodness, fundamental human dignity and integrity along with cooperative connection with compassion and caring consideration for all.

However, if we look at our history, we see the bigger picture of competition, egotism, individual quests for power and position, separatist rule, racism and domination in this country and throughout the world that created greater and greater conflict, despair and suffering.  Yet, after the millennial threshold crossing in 2000, the 9-11 events in 2001 changed the world in a way that created a new awareness about the urgent need for peace in all the world and a deeper, more widespread desire to be done with the endless wars created by the lack of understanding and respect for our differences. Obama’s cycle that began in 2008 was the first complete nine year cycle of the new millennium and set us on the path to that goal.

The new cycle set in 2017 has progressed from its intention in that year to gathering related material and information in 2018. Success was then imagined and expressed on personal levels through social networking in 2019 and the first level of putting that goal into form was accomplished in 2020, the universal 4 year in the cycle.  So what’s next?

America and the Number 5  

Freedom, Change and the Right Use of Will

The fact is, the USA is historically all about freedom through change, but the right use of will in its leaders and citizens has always been our opportunity for positive growth and progress as well as the challenge and lesson to be learned.  The collective intentions in this year of change and how they are connected to the current cycles in play have much to tell us about who we are as humans as well as Americans and what that says about the potential future of our country and the world.

The Number 5

Each of the numbers 1-9 in our dual existence presents two sides, generally perceived as light and shadow, representing the complexity in the whole number. The relationship between the two offers perspective for choice and balance.

The number 5 on the light side is the archetypal representative of freedom, growth and progress through change. It is resourceful, savvy intelligence. 5 is the number of quick wit and understanding, the capability to handle many things at once.  In a 5 personal year, we might change jobs or make a move to a new place, end or begin new relationships, or any change representing progress for positive growth on the life path. 5 is often called ‘the number of man’ as understanding is gained through curiosity, exploring, experimenting and experiencing everything through the physical and metaphysical senses of human individuals, thus promoting the whole of humanity.

In a universal year, 5 is politically oriented having to do with the public and publicity. 5 is gregarious and communicative, representing choices and changes affecting many people. 5 is quick, flexible, energetic and stimulating; it is the chi or electricity of the body, creative activity and free movement responding to change as positive flow. In a 5 year, the right use of will is learned through right action and vice versa. 5 is adaptability and cleverness in the midst of chaos and inspires constructive use of change. Without the number 5, the world would stagnate and wither.

In the shadow aspect, 5 is irresponsible, careless, self-indulgent and thoughtless, the rolling stone that gathers no moss. 5 is distracting, bored, inconsistent and procrastinating.  It dismantles or tears down what’s been established to make something new or different. Stirring discontent, this 5 disregards values, abuses freedom, wastes and scatters energy through too many interests, too many irons in the fire; it is chaotic and destructive, diluting and wasting the creative urge, expended with over-indulgence in sensual experience. 5 discards the old to move on to the new without learning from the experience or burns bridges without regard or benefit of the past.

The 5 in shadow can fall prey to libertinism and perversion.  It is the fear of change, of new experience and progress, of the unfamiliar or untried. 5 is also the pursuit of change for change’s sake, for purely sensual gratification, excitement or escapism from boredom or restlessness. In the shadow of 5, life lessons are not learned, constructive effort for progress is not made and positive growth does not happen.

Freedom to Americans is like wings to a bird, and it’s no wonder. The pursuit of freedom started with the Declaration of Independence and was then built into the constitution with the bill of rights.  The life path and destiny from its declaration and intention are revealed in the added numbers of the names and birth date of the US. The charted form is shown here in a brief excerpt from a larger work on the USA in progress.


1  4  5  9 9 3  1 = 32, 3+2 = 5 = Freedom and progress

The birth date of The United States:

July 4, 1776 = 7-4-1776 = 32, 3+2 = 5 = Liberty for all

T H E  U N I T E D  S T A T E S 

2  8 5   3  5 9 2  5 4   1 2  1  2 5 1 = 55, 5+5 =10, 1+0 = 1 = Independence


1  4  5  9 9 3  1  5 = 37, 3+7 = 10, 1+0 = 1 = Independent Self

America, land of the free, home of the brave, The United States and Americans, as you can see by their numbers, embody the country and names they inhabit through the archetypal numbers 5 and 1, freedom and independence, respectively. Though, interestingly, the plural, Americans, adds to 11, which is a master number having to do with relationship with the higher self, meaning when Americans come together in right relationship, the awakening to respond for the highest good is greatly increased.  Americans, by touting independence and freedom as a rightful and cherished way of life would seem obligated by association to live up to those standards. If there is failure, it would be in falsely identifying with those standards to the exclusion of being in right relationship with them.

The United States of America exists as a representative of the trials and tribulations of this journey, this experiment in democracy, for itself and the world. Indeed, the numbers reveal the destiny of America as 5, which means its purpose is to develop the best of those qualities in its human inhabitants as agents of change and progress for the duration of its existence on the planet. The destiny of The United States focuses its purpose on leadership through the positive masculine force of will power and wisdom, which is a whole different discussion, but suffice it to say, the opportunities for The United States and America, as it stands, have been along the lines of its people becoming the leaders of the free world through the right use of freedom and right use of will for positive change. These opportunities have lessons and consequences built into the experiences of destiny fulfillment. However, I would be remiss if I didn’t include a word about the bigger picture:

T H E  U N I T E D  S T A T E S  O F  A M E R I C A

2 8  5   3  5 9 2  5 4   1 2  1 2  5 1   6 6   1  4  5  9 9 3 1 = 99, 9+9 = 18, 1+8 =

9 = Unconditional, Universal Love

Okay, so the secret is out.  The 1 destiny of The United States is fundamentally about individualism, independence, leadership, as in the one, first and original, though ideally of iconic leaders by example, through development of the highest best in the self. However, the ultimate, combined destiny of The United States of America, surprise, surprise, is all about self-lessness. While the 1 is about the self, separate, individual, the 9 is about the world, unity, the all in all. 

As the 9 is self-lessness in the joy of all inclusive unity, hence about universal, unconditional love, the shadow of that would be the loss of self in suffering selfish, possessive love, as the loss of unity, the loss of all.  This subject is deeper and more complex than there is room for in this discussion. The shorthand is this: Will the USA be the leader of the free world as an iconic example, through the self development of its highest potential for unconditional, universal love in compassion and unity, or will it go the way of the loss of everything, even the self, through its selfish ambitions and greed? Or, will it be endlessly in between somewhere, with continuous changes bringing superficial success and loss until it has exhausted its capacity to stand?

Liberation of the self through right use of will, right use of freedom is the clearest way to describe the 5 destiny. If we consider true reality to be spiritual, this would ultimately mean liberation on a spiritual level from what binds us in material, egoic existence. Perhaps until and unless we as individuals decide to be diligent in our self examination in the responsible quest to know ourselves, we cannot know what it means to be truly free, nor contribute that knowledge to the greater good. What calls us to be humane, moral and just, to embrace Life with honesty and kindness, to engage our empathy with compassion and good will toward and for the good of others? This may be one of the only questions truly worth asking.

In the meantime, we may move with the changes, willingly or unwillingly, that offer opportunities to engage in the dance of freedom in the hope of true understanding. Americans identify themselves with the concept and image of independence and freedom, yet those who identify in an attached way that isolates are neither independent nor free.

This new cycle and specifically this new year were the intended focus of this writing. The digression was to provide the larger context, which became even larger because of the 5 connection between the USA and this year, as they apply to this new cycle. Well, okay, and the new millennium. But let’s dive in for the finish line.


2021(2+0+2+1 = 5) is the fifth year in our current nine year universal cycle, which began in 2017, a 1 universal seed year (2+0+1+7 = 10, 1+0 =1).  The purpose of this 5 universal year of pivotal change is to promote this cycle’s intention, which became established in form with the election win in 2020, in its 4 universal year (2+0+2+0 = 4).  This 5 year will prevent the stagnation of the established form in 4 through constructive change that promotes progress and growth.

Discontent, fear of change and lack of directed effort will result in scattered energy and forces and that will cause missed opportunity to make the best of this 5 window for positive change. Though the 5 can bring chaos and destruction as well as unwanted changes in the direction of the cycle, 5 is also about maintaining awareness by staying informed. 5 is the resourceful detective, the analyst who stays on top of the news and clues, who ferrets out the truth and communicates the discovery to the world. America, with its 5 destiny, has been at this game for a while now. The chances are, constructive efforts through new awareness in any one of us will begin the process of positive change as more Americans come together this year in right relationship. This is further supported by the new energy of the new millennium we entered in 2000, which will be discussed in an upcoming document.

Final Thoughts

Progress, change and freedom are intrinsically linked. For example, freedom can bring progress through change and change can cause progress to regress to a less free state.

We refer to making progress as intention to change in a positive direction toward a goal but need the freedom to change direction if progress has been impeded.

The political will and intention for positive, societal change has been in play since 2017. What we choose to do with our new freedom this year will tell the story of our future, for the future is now.

We say ‘change is in the wind’, and ‘the wind is free’.  5 is an air element number and, like the wind, can be calm and steady, unstable, light and breezy or heavy and chaotic.  The freedom of 5 therefore lends itself to the unknown, to uncertainty and the unexpected, the new and unusual.

Expect the unexpected, be open to the new and different and embrace positive change that shows signs and signals of progress for the benefit of the greater good; be prepared for uncertainty and plenty of ups and downs, but above all, to make the most of this universal 5 year, ride the winds of change around you with a sense of curiosity, adventure, courage and hope. 5 after all is diversity and at its best in the love of constructive change, variety and new discovery.

It may seem that the trials and tribulations in this country have increased to nearly unbearable limits, and we have been through a lot, but we’ve been through worse. We’re still young and strong. We can get through this current crisis, and we still have plenty of room to grow. Hang in there. Take heart. Americans are nothing if not free to unabashedly be themselves, even when our rights are challenged, or no matter how ugly it makes us look. It’s what makes us crazy, dangerous and beautiful, all at the same time. Yet, if we hold to what we inherently know as humans to be true and right, that basic goodness is the reality and act from that place with certainty, we can move mountains.

The United States of America came together as a melting pot for the peoples of the world to inhabit with the intention of equality in the right to pursue happiness and be free. It was a great idea. We were still too immature as a country and relatively unevolved in our humanity to embody it in the beginning, and don’t ask me to judge our progress to date, but we’ve never stopped changing, standing up for what’s right or trying to better ourselves in spite of all the divisions between us or obstacles on the path.  The world has looked to the US to hold the dream of true democracy; they worry and cry with the rest of us when we falter. And who knows, if we keep opening to the changes in ourselves in that noble direction in right relationship with the world, the universe and beyond, we may yet model a truly free nation in the universality of unconditional love and compassion, with truth, liberty and justice for all. Perhaps, by then, we will see ourselves as citizens of the Greater Reality, the Greater Truth.

The number 5 this year creates a free zone of opportunity for positive transformation. May it illuminate the path to true liberation for us all.

Candice Powers



January 2021