2019 – Universal Year of the Child, Dreaming New Visions into Reality, and Embracing Joy


3 Universal Year of the Child, Dreaming New Visions into Reality,  and Embracing Joy

(2+0+1+9 = 12, 1+2 = 3)

“Good Things Come in Threes”

                                           —Ancient Proverb

Why is the number 3 considered lucky? Yes, 3 is called the magic number, you get three guesses and the 3rd time’s the charm.  There is a tendency, apparently inherent in everything created, to group things in triads. A trinity of natural phenomena represents a completion or fulfillment, as in a beginning, middle and end or a triangle.

The world we see and live in is 3 dimensional. We measure the material world by length, height and width, and time in past, present and future. Groups of 3 are everywhere. 3 is the first complete number and the first complete stage in the human creative development cycles of 3-6-9.

 3 is the archetypal child, completing the union of 1 and 2, Father and Mother, yet is a new expression, a new entity, unique unto itself. 3 is a new integration beyond the contrast of 2 that does not negate the duality that preceded it but rather transcends it. The number 3, as the child, is about spontaneous joy and authentic, creative self-expression, self-acceptance and self-love. It lends itself to optimism, inspiration and good fortune. 3 represents youthful vigor, assisting in the achievement of goals through the sheer exuberance of satisfying completion.

How can the number 3 help us navigate these changing times? We may already notice this year feels a little happier or that it’s easier to be a little more positive in the new energy influence of 3. A happier state of heart opens us to the infinite abundance where we can learn to embrace joy and live in it at will.  Now that we know what we don’t want, the challenge is to become positively clear in our new vision of the reality we do want and express it into being.

Go Ahead, Take it Personally

“All Nations, indeed civilizations, are founded on visions.

We have lost sight of ours. Those visions represent our spirituality,

our ideals, our souls. They can suffer only so much at the pragmatic

hand of materialism. Eventually they must rise up in revolt, to scream out

‘an end to this madness, this insanity’.”

                                                                 —John Tatler

                                                                               Cycles of Time 1990

2018 was the 2nd year of the new nine year cycle that began in 2017, a number 1 beginning year in which there was greater push and opportunity to set intention for a new direction by a majority of its citizens in the US. As a universal number, setting the intention for a new direction under the number 1 was the opportunity for the entire developed world, but as the US is currently in a pivotal and tumultuous position, I’ve chosen to focus the content of this year’s reading there. 

New Year’s Day, 2019, yet may have found us still reeling and on edge about the world we live in, even more so considering increasing awareness of our state of affairs and political un-wellness in the United States. We may have felt confused, angry or frustrated, still waiting for what was to be revealed.  However, in the big picture, we are, without a doubt, in a new era, a new paradigm of a very different flavor, a new frequency that began in the year 2000, signaling the end of the previous thousand year cycle, with which we have yet to come to terms. 

It’s been said that 3 restores the damage 2 has caused by dividing. “When two fight over an egg, the third will get it”.

America has a purpose and a destiny of freedom and a foundation based on truth, justice and the pursuit of happiness.  Americans are, on the whole, increasingly and demonstrably weary of the negative, oppressive tone and divisiveness coming almost daily from our nation’s leaders and among us.  Judging by common themes and conversations in the current and social media, people understand that things are not right or even dangerously wrong, unprecedented and frightening. Yet, old means for resolution in this new territory do not promise success. This year will accentuate the need for sustainable relief and offer a third alternative to prevailing thought.

The number 3 this year has something to tell us about the improvements needed in ourselves to bring about a better world.

 What’s Going On?

If the 1 is about ego, the 3 is about the id and its hidden desires. The shadow side of 3 includes the willful, spoiled, unaware, unconscious and childish archetype. This looks like throwing tantrums, gossip, worry, and inertia, as well as criticism, lies and deceit, where words are wasted and energy is scattered in impulsive and superficial talk, sometimes with destructive results.  Jealousy and bribery are common. This means selling out for popularity, image-making without substance and making impulsive decisions without forethought or concern for consequences. Instead of dreaming about the good we want, the high quantity and velocity of such shenanigans distract and threaten to suck us in, where we resist or assist in creating our own living nightmare realities through fear, reactivity, superficiality and negative thinking. 3 can increase such behavior this year, but there is more opportunity to become aware of it in ourselves.

The 3rd solar plexus chakra and color yellow, are about intellect and as 3 is also an emotional number, this refers to emotional intelligence, seated in the power center of intuition and “gut feelings”. The opposite of this would be a disconnection from the self and the reality of spiritual intelligence. One potential shadow example would be the rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence, the brainchild of scientists, who officially founded the field and coined the term in 1956. Coincidentally (or not), 1956 was a 3 universal year. We can expect to see A.I. heavily discussed and debated in this year and elevated by some without a doubt. The chance of misuse with this technology is high as a result of shadow elements that will bring ignorant, mindless, impulsive mistakes and, if not too late, the opportunity to correct them.

Good News

3 speaks to the heart of our identity, beyond the one we each developed through our childhood as well as the one that has been pushed around since then by our environmental (not to mention, karmic) conditioning. At the macro and micro levels, 3 energy assists us in finding our true self, our authentic voice toward discovering not only who we really are, as individuals, Americans and humans but what we truly want in life.  As our individual dreams manifest our reality, we all stand to benefit and change from the strongest and most positive visions from each of us.

If we wish to become responsible Earth or galactic citizens, the number 3 holds the space for existing in the authentic love and respect for all life, expressed in joy.  The new energy this brings, can shift life as we know it in miraculous ways through shared visions. Like the presence of a sacred or holy trinity, or the inherent strength in the wholeness of any triune completion, the power of 3 in its essence, by virtue of its cyclical presence, nested in the timely shift of greater, prophetic cycles, presents us with enormous opportunities for improving and strengthening our lives, if we but see and take hold of them.

The energy of 3 invites us to be more social and therefore societies are formed, broken or reformed in a 3 universal year. 3 this year will bring innovative insights and revelations about social networks and a greater focus on and support for democratic socialism. Free speech, under the influence of the number 3, and the words we use, become more critically important.  Word!  The number 3 is about the proliferation of words and creative self-expression. We talk a lot, but what are we trying to say? Telepathic abilities will be enhanced from such questions and talk radio will enjoy an upgrade with intelligent, relevant content and verbal flow toward expressing greater authenticity and contrasting with critical lies and “fake news”.

3 brings an aliveness that reminds us of our desire to enjoy living, to improve and expand a new way of life, with new intentions seeded in 2017 in our 1 universal year. Americans this year will be more focused on general improvement and especially regarding higher morality and the well being of children.  Gifted children and young people will be the teachers this year with their new visions of what is to come and surprising wisdom about how to get there.  Imagination will produce new interests and ideas that inspire sweeping changes for improvement in systems and industries of all stripes. There will be effort toward improving morale, our self esteem and the image of our country in the eyes of the world. The arts, especially in writing, singing or acting, gain new depths of authentic expression, more deeply touching and inspiring others.

 3 inspires the creative expression of our true essence and urges us to take personal responsibility for the reality we have and are creating to assist us in aligning purposefully with this time of rapid and radical change as well as with our greater dimensions.

 The Upshot

When we entered the 2000s, we entered the 3rd millennium, the millennium of the New Being. 2019, as a 3 universal year, presents the opportunity for us to grow in awareness about the higher potential of being human.  The new energy represented by the number 3 this year provides the impetus to explore the power in humans with awareness of our selves as Individual, Higher Self and Infinite Being.  This triune connection creates opportunity for sharing in the abundance and wisdom in cooperation with life in all its dimensions.

3 is a fiery number, full of electrical energy! It is responsive and intuitive and above all, expressive. The imagination, inspiration and power of dreaming in the number 3 in this year fosters the opportunity to envision a new world and consciously dream it into reality by invoking our inner light, by regularly finding and expressing our joy in all the little things that bring love and light to ourselves and others and connecting with what is genuinely good in and around us.

As these things are only temporarily found from seeking them in the external but are eternally accessible within us, living our love of life from within becomes the only way to real and lasting change in the world. Like the energy of Spring, full of new life, with child-like vitality that is fresh and greening with promise for what is to come, 3 inspires us to be hopeful about the future by participating with our inner knowing, gratitude and joy in the present. It begins with ending the war with ourselves.

Called by Mark Twain “mankind’s greatest blessing”, a sense of humor seems truly a gift given to humanity. A Sense of humor is indicative of a capability for inner joy and is often referred to as the saving grace in the darkest of times. The song Always Look on the Bright Side of Life by Terry Gilliam from Monty Python reminds us to laugh at ourselves while acknowledging the most grave aspect of embodiment. Nothing short of radical optimism is called for in this year.

Yet, rather than pursuing happiness, if we embody happiness in our thoughts, feelings and actions, we can make our own happy at will by living it as if the option were completely ours in every moment. Loving life from the lived experience of suffering and joy in acceptance and understanding is what empowers the visions we hold. For, indeed…

We Are the World…

 When we negate our own worth, we destroy our will for dreaming.

When we negate our dreams, we destroy the world.

The past thousand year cycle, dominated by the number 1 of the patriarchal 1000s, is over. Conscious attunement and activation in life are all that remain for the realization and actualization of this global shift in consciousness. The new millennium of the 2000s is bringing more awareness to the integration reality of conscious relationship with all Life, rather than the separation mentality of individualism in the old paradigm of I that created us vs. them. This is the millennium of I and We and in this time of new vision, of dreaming the dream awake, we can heal the fragmentation that prevents our coming together in Unity, Love and Joy.

In this new paradigm of the 3rd millennium and in this 3 year we can recognize the power of

Our creative imagination as we experience the elation and expression of our ecstatic inner being without seeking it outside of ourselves. This year, Self-Love means it is up to every individual to recognize the Light that exits in all within themselves and love that into being. Taking positive action for what we want, rather than only fighting against what we don’t is what it means to thrive and it is powerful beyond measure. The time of new vision for a better life is now. The dreams of this year will become the practical realities of 2020 and beyond. So, dream in a big way—connected, soulful and loving, with the light of joy and all the heart and enthusiasm you can muster.

Candice Powers


January 2019