2013 – The Year After the End of the World

2013: The Year After the End of the World

The social and political significance of 2013 cannot be fully appreciated without a few wordsabout its predecessor, the tumultuous 2012.  2012, in the language of numerology, was a 5 universal year (2+0+1+2 = 5) and promised opportunity for freedom, progress and growth through change.  However, while change is necessary to prevent stagnation and promote progress, through a positive shift in energies, it is also unpredictable in terms of the path that freedom will take. Conscious awareness and right use of will are of great importance under the 5’s influence as the shadow side of the number includes scattered, restless energy, chaos, rebellion, destruction and anarchy.

The collective experience of the world, but specifically of the US, included some of both sides, between the elections, the Mayan calendar speculation and the mass shootings, but the forces of change managed to spit us out at the end of the year more or less intact. The world did not end.  At the same time, news agencies reported on the multitude of frustrated tweets from the people, reflecting a general state of un-ease and intense angst, with the stress of uncertainty, the fear of the unknown, as the events of the year unfolded. Stocks rose and fell chaotically. Nerves were on edge with a restless impatience for the too-slow, even if steady, rise of the economy and shocking new levels of dirty politics stimulated polarization, anger and disbelief, along with the shock surrounding the mass shooting events.

The people of America,  a nation built around the number 5,  had experienced most of those feelings before. However, after Aurora, the shooting event in Connecticut, though in a line of too many before it, brought new feelings instigated by the fact that these were six and seven year old children, and twenty of them. That had not happened before, in the modern era of our country, and served as a distinctly new shock to our system. Suddenly, old ways of de-regulation for profit in the name of security were revealed as no longer effective or desired by the majority of us.  The level of pain, grief and loss we experienced through those cumulative, horrific events, awakened a new desire for justice that drew line-in-the-sand demands for progressive change.  As a harbinger of change, 5 is also about letting go.

The positive and negative experiences of 2012 created the drive that paved the way for a more fair and balanced world in 2013 as we contemplated letting go of old, outdated ways that no longer serve the greater good.   A 6 universal year (2+0+1+3 = 6), 2013 brings now the opportunity to make the adjustments for balance and harmony with the new ways brought or inspired by the changes of last year.  Primary keywords for 6 energy are Love, Truth, Harmony and Responsibility.  6 is a humanitarian number associated with Health, Home, Community Service, Balance and Justice. It is the Through these qualities of the 6, this year we are more idealistic, based on a new awareness of reality. As the Guardian of Mankind, 6 inspires us to protect family and community and seek to bring justice in all things for all people in fair and balanced ways. 

The more negative side of 6 includes dogmatic self-righteousness with fixed, stubborn ideas about right and wrong, which is the stuff of war and can be unnecessarily polarizing through conflicting opinions.  However, through positive idealism for fair adjustments, 6 steadies and stabilizes the energies.  It is therefore the number of healing and peace, as well as willing, selfless service.

All things relating to health will be accented this year, and there will be a larger focus on the family and community. Improvements in the housing market should get a substantial leg up. Things related to the protection of the family, personal as well as universal, will also play a major role. This year, we will seek, as we have already begun with the gun laws, to formalize new ways for the security and protection of our homes and communities. Though all may feel this need for protection, some will react with fear and fight to cling to the old ways that others now recognize are no longer viable.

The new millennium we entered in 2000, which carries the feminine 2 vibration, is the path of integration of opposites toward unity.  However, the opposite of integration and unity is polarization and division, which is why we are experiencing delays in our various processes. Balancing between conflicting viewpoints within us and among us will take more awareness, more education and more willingness to serve the greater good.

The number 5 offered the opportunity to learn from the changes we experienced in 2012 and progress and grow, or escape again from the discomfort of facing our societal problems through endless distraction (negative 5), as we work to bring about what is best for us all.  Those whose personal year runs concurrent with the universal this year can expect a rise in duties and responsibilities to family, home, or community, again with optimal outcomes through willing service without resentment.

There are cycles within cycles, and if your year number, according to your personal life cycle, is different from the universal, whatever your personal year holds will be accompanied by the universal opportunities for balance and healing. The 2013-6 year has global influence as a universal vibration.  Additionally, the United   States’ personal year number, from its July 4th birthday, is currently an 8 vibration, which adds transformation (death/rebirth), power, position and authority in material/financial concerns, due to good/fair judgment, to the 6 universal influence.

This combination spells greater opportunity for balancing the budget in government, as well as adjusting the rules of law and power for fairness and justice, responsibly, for the benefit of all. Conversely, power struggles, conflicts, abuses, judgment and the death of material hopes is also possible, depending on motive, will, effort and clear understanding.  

Like the cells of a body, we under the jurisdiction of the US will contribute and be subject to the qualities of the 8, along with the 6 of our universal year, though on a more minor level compared to our personal year influence. Our individual personal year numbers will determine where we are in our individual cycles, giving the area of development opportunity and best use of our talents and efforts for success in the current universal environment of 2013.

Candice Powers

January 4, 2013